Sunday, July 28, 2019

Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 2

Law - Essay Example The gang members had sewn black and gold emblems on the prison issue shirts. This prompted the jail management to establish a rule banning the display of such colors that deviate from the established prison clothing. The rule encourages the inmates to wear homemade black and gold Rosary Beads around their necks and thus the prison staff decides to confiscate them, but the inmates threaten to file a suit against such action since action interferes with their freedom of worship. However, as a warden of the jail, I would go ahead and confiscate the beads since laws and regulations must be respected and appreciated by both parties (Singh et al, 2007). Being partisan to one law at the expense of the other is biased since it limits the freedom of other people guided by the foregone law or regulation. Therefore, for the prisoners to complain that their right to practice own religion is compromised due to confiscation of the beads is biased since in observing their right, the gang also deny the prison its right to implement laws that facilitate effective management and promotes equality. In case, the right of the prisoners is observed and respected, then what about the rest of the inmates who do not belong to such religion? They will feel discriminated and not recognized. Moreover, what if the prisoners demand similar treatment, but each one of them belongs to a different religion? This will lead to a mixture of prison uniforms and thus, will compromise the integ rity of the prison uniform and lead to loss of its identity. Therefore, in this scenario, the suit is likely to fail since in observing the right to practice religion, the rights of other prisoners and the prison will be compromised and thus lead to biasness (Siegel, 2009). Based on such considerations, the court will reject the suit considering the above grounds. The right of an inmate to proper medical services is justified and protected in all

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