Saturday, July 20, 2019

In Opposition of an Amendment to Ban Flag Desecration :: Argumentative Persuasive Argument Essays

In Opposition of an Amendment to Ban Flag Desecration In 1876 a Constitutional amendment was proposed that would eliminate the Senate. In 1893, there was an amendment proposed that would get rid of the Army and the Navy, and another one that would rename the country the United States of the Earth. They all share one common dominator: they would do absolutely nothing to benefit the United States or its citizens. To this list another proposed amendment can be added: the amendment banning desecration of the American flag. There have been less then 200 reported flag burnings in the more then 200 that America has existed. Congress is trying to protect the flag from something that’s not even threatening it. In actuality, Congress’s bill would threaten the flag more than any match ever would. The American flag stands for freedom, and in this Land of the Free, what could be more important then the right to express ones opinions? America is the only country in the world where citizens are guaranteed the right to protest the government! If this protest happens to involve the desecration of the flag, then celebrate the fact that we live in such a country where we can do this without fear instead of condemning the action! Not only would this bill undermine everything the constitution stands for, it would also destroy America’s Bill of Rights. The Bill of Rights has survived for more than 200 years without being altered in any way. Making flag burning illegal would be the first change ever to the first ten amendments, and would open the gateway to more changes in the future. Supporters of the bill have

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