Friday, July 26, 2019

Business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Business - Essay Example 136). A business organization’s environment may not be susceptible to change, and this could continue for several years. Such organizations are characterized by stability and predictability. However, there could be business organizations that are significantly influenced by the changes that transpire in their environment. In such instances, the business organization could undergo intricate, frequent, and rapid changes (Dyer & Ross, 2008, p. 137). Business should adopt changes according to its environmental factors. A dynamic business environment is one that adopts changes quickly according to the surrounding issues; such as government policies, availability of employees and competition from other business organizations in the field. The more important business functions are facilities and security, finance, human resources, information technology, legal requirements and compliance with the same, manufacturing, marketing and sales, operations, research and development, and inve ntory, order fulfillment, shipping and receiving (Snedaker, 2007, pp. 225 – 226). Any contingency plan has to take these functions into consideration. Thus, the incident response (IR) plan concentrates on immediate response. In case the attack increases in ferocity, the disaster recovery (DR) plan or business continuity (BC) plan has to be undertaken. The DR plan focuses on restoring systems at the original location, subsequent to the occurrence of the disaster. On the other hand, the BC plan is implemented along with the DR plan, in instances where the damage is substantial and ongoing. In other words, this combined intervention is reserved for situations, in which something more than simple restoration of information and resources related to information are required. The purpose of the BC plan is to establish the critical business functions at a different location (Whitman & Mattord, 2011, p. 212). Appropriate planning will save an organization from critical situations. Pla ns such as disaster recovery and business continuity will help in restoring the system to normalcy, in an efficient manner. . Human Systems Integration is a system that brings about the integration of human capabilities, their limitations, and preferences into an engineering system. It brings business and engineering cultures closer to a human centric mechanism, which produces significant performance and cost advantages. These benefits would not have been possible, but for this initiative. All the same, Human Systems Integration demands a cultural change that should commence with the organizational leadership (Booher, 2003, p. xv). Human systems integration would benefit the organization by enhancing the capacity of the workers, while simultaneously reducing costs. Business organizations should be socially responsible, and should conform to the extant social standards, values, and ethics. In the 2000s, several financial scandals surfaced in the US, which served to create disgust and distrust in the public towards the corporate sector. In order to rectify this untenable and unwelcome situation, the US Congress passed the Sarbanes – Oxley Act (Ferrell, Hirt, & Ferrell, 2008, p. 39). This Act made securities fraud a crime and significantly enhanced the penalties for corporate fraud. The managers of a company have to necessarily comply with the existing laws and regulations. Companies face difficulties with the law, when they indulge in activities

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