Wednesday, July 17, 2019

DBQ on differences in Han and Roman attitudes towards technology Essay

The Chinese positioning towards applied science was that it should be useful to and help the super acidality population. The roman letters stead towards engineering was that it was it was of little prestige and didnt relate to the upper classes and was therefore of slight importance. Documents 1, 2, 3, and 4 any have a positive attitude towards technology and that it should be useful to and help the mutualality people. In memorial 1, it talks nigh preventing gourmandize prevention, selecting a soulfulness as chief hydraulic engineer, ordering inspections of the waterways, and supplying enough workers to those who are to expand out the repair work.This shows that the Han assistd most the common land people. In papers 2, it talks about the tools and how when they were produced by the families they were puff up made, but when they were produced by the state using censure labor, they were more crude and not very functional, exhibit that the Han cared about how well t he tools are working. In document 3, it talks about the technology and how its improved.In document 4, it talks about Tu shih and how he loved the common people and wished to save their labor. It talks about the water-powered blowing-engine and how it helped the common people, showing how the Han wanted the technology to help the common people. In documents 5,6,7, and 8 the all had a oppose attitude towards technology was that it was of little importance and didnt relate to the upper classes so it was therefore of less importance. Keep in mind before that all these documents are written by upper roman officials and leaders, therefore losing the voice of the lower classes and how they felt about technology. In document 5, it shows a negative attitude towards technology and says that the craftsmens occupations are vulgar and unbecoming.In document 6, it talks about how a papist political leader in the second- snow B.C.E and how he was animated about road building, and paying atten tion to detail, and the person who wrote the passage was a high official from the graduation exercise century C.E. In document 7, an upper-class romish philosopher talks about how he doesnt care about what inventions came first and that they were invented by people with a nimble and sharp mind, but not big(p) or elevated, showing how they thought that using technology was beneath them.In the hans point of view, they care about the common people and the technology, and the Romans point of view (without the common peoples input) is negative towards technology. Out of these documents, I would like to have a journal from a roman commoner in the first centuryB.C.E. or C.E. to fully understand how the majority of the people in Rome felt.

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