Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Business report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1

Business report - Essay Example Given the fact that Chicken Treat is into the quick service restaurant industry, the nation has already witnessed a lot of new players in this particular area starting operations in India. The world famous players like MacDonalds, Taco Bell, Pizza Hut etc have already opened scores of outlets in all major cities within India. So the time is ripe for making an entry into the Indian markets since deferring this decision would only increase competition and may also lead to entry in an already saturated market. The report would harp on the macro environmental factors that are probable to become important if Chicken Treat actually mulls expanding these outlets into the Indian shores. With the help of PESTL and SWOT, the literature available on the industry at large, the upcoming trends, the best market entry decision for Chicken Treat would be suggested in order to make the new market development work a likely success. PESTL Analysis The analysis should initiate with the PESTEL Analysis, which refers to the blend of various macro environmental forces that drive the performance of the organization and consists of the political, economic, sociological, technological, ecological and legal forces (Viardot, 2004). Furthermore, â€Å"it assists companies in the selection of attractive markets and the appropriate entry mode† (Aubert & Frigstad, 2007). Political India as a nation is indeed currently politically stable and post globalization the country has been trying to attract FDI in various sectors and one of those leading industries is the quick service restaurant industry. This is likely to prove to be an advantage in terms of the political environment of Chicken Treat and its subsequent market expansion in the Indian markets (Krafft & Mantrala, 2010, 130). As already mentioned, South Asian nations in general and specifically India and China have gradually geared up for globalization and are therefore welcoming multinationals like MacDonalds and Pizza Hut. In th e context of globalization, various regulation and tax policies as well as FDI regulations have already been relaxed to a substantial extent and the processes of deregulation and delicensing of various products and services are taking place at a fast pace. This should also work towards paving the way for companies like Chicken Treat to open outlets in India. However, given the high order of democracy in India, various political organisations have been trying to resist the entry of too many firms in food sector with particular emphasis on FDI in retail and especially multi brand retail (Datt, 2008, 178). This may also affect the quick service restaurant industry to a considerable extent and hamper the proper functioning of firms such as Chicken Treat. Again, it is sure that the Indian government wants more investment in FDI; therefore the environment should work out to be overall congenial for Chicken Treat in India. Legal The legal environment of Chicken Treat in India again brings forth quite a few heartening aspects of heightened outlay in FDI and patronization from the government along with various other legal entanglements that should be adhered to if a firm intends to open sales outlets in India. Among the other aspects of the legal environme

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