Monday, September 30, 2019

The Therapy Group Health And Social Care Essay

Taking into consideration the peculiar traits of my personality and my ain experiences on a idiosyncratic degree every bit good as on an interpersonal communicating degree, I have concluded that the most representative theoretical psychotherapeutic attack for myself is the 1 of Carl Rogers ‘ . The basic rules of the healer ‘s earnestness, genuineness and â€Å" understanding † , every bit good as credence, empathy and apprehension of the patient constitute some characteristics that comply with my point of position. The Rogerian impression group centered therapy, every bit good as the impression of self-actualisation reflect most accurately the values that I would wish to function. I?I ±I? I?I ±I„ ‘ I µIˆI ­I?I„I ±I?I · the â€Å" group centered † . I respect profoundly the client ‘s authorization to be able to find himself the therapy he needs and to take it at his ain gait ; therefore, run intoing his basic demands fo r acknowledgment, equal intervention and grasp. The topic of the therapy group which I would organize would be the support of people with physical disablements. The grounds of this pick are varied: first of all, it is an issue that intrigues me ; I find it peculiarly interesting, disputing and attractive from a humanistic, but besides from a professional point of position. So, I would wish to specialise in guidance and psychotherapeutics of people with disablements, as a professional option. The topographic point in which meetings will be held is a critical issue for the group, because people in wheel-chairs must hold entree towards their finish. It is really of import for them to experience that they can travel approximately and go around comfortably, without troubles and obstructions such as stepss, narrow lifts, long distances and other similar hindrances. The physical scene of the group must give them a sense of being welcomed, without stressing their distinction. For that ground, it is indispensable that the topographic point of meetings be easy accessible to people with gesture disablements ( for illustration, means of mass transit that can function them ) . The infinite must be on the groundfloor and if it is on a higher degree the lift must be big plenty and rage should be available. Besides, the dimensions of the room must let a comfy moving in it. Furthermore, that topographic point has to supply the members with privateness, freedom from distraction and to let them to sit in a circle, so that they can see, detect and interact straight with one another. The nature of that group involves some specialnesss. The fact that, these people get tired easy and rapidly, every bit good as that they need person else to assist and function them sets some bounds. The continuance of the meetings should non transcend, but respect the members ‘ physical bounds. On the other manus, the clip must be plenty, so that the group will be able to analyse all the issues raised by all members. So, a meeting should last 2 to 2,5 hours with 1 or 2 interruptions. Of class, in instance of any crisis or occasion during a meeting, the session can last more than 2,5 hours. Because of the specialnesss of these people, the fast beat of life and of fiscal grounds, the frequence of the meetings would be one time a hebdomad. The life-span of the group would be brief and would last about six months, in other words 25-30 meetings. The short life-span presupposes that the leader will be required to maintain attending to some affairs. As the healer, I will hold to clear up the ends of the group and to remain focused on them. The choice and the readying of the members must be done with great attention, so that dropouts and misinterpretations are prevented. By and large, the limited life of the group requires a specific mental set and clip direction.Size of the GroupThe ideal size of the group would be 7-8 members. It is a figure of participants that allows effectual interaction among them. The group would be closed ; therefore, given that some members could drop out, it would be functional to get down the group with a spot larger size, that is to state with 8-9 people. The tracts of interaction will be unfastened among all members, including the leader, as shown in the diagram.( The points stand for the membe rs and the healer of the group, while the lines represent the synergistic tracts of communicating. )Intake procedures – a ) The Selection of MembersThe manner that the choice of members is accomplished is irregular. The healer, on a general footing, must be concerned with which patient will be excluded from the group and so, more specifically, with who will be included. It is easier to find the people who do non run into the demands of engagement, than the 1s who do. This process will take topographic point during the pregroup consumption interview. The basic standard for the exclusion of some individuals from the group is his likeliness for dropout. Therefore, during the consumption interview all the features and the factors which may ensue in dropout must be clarified. Peoples with terrible abnormal psychology, lower IQ, less psychological mindedness and likeability, lower socioeconomic category, high denial to alter and high somatization are really likely to dropout. External factors like scheduling jobs, traveling of the town and declaration of some instant crisis could take to premature expiration of the therapy. Group deviancy, jobs of familiarity, fright of emotional contagious disease, coincident person and group therapy constitute some of the factors for dropout and must be screened out and examined with cautiousness and duty. Peoples with features and attitudes as the above would be excluded. Without dissing, I would propose them to get down an single therapy, or I would mention them to another group suited with their demands and ends. On the other manus, there are some human traits that could take to a successful engagement in the group. Peoples with grate motive and willingness are the best campaigners for the group. Besides, the credence of duty for intervention and the desire to alter are positive characteristics and standards for inclusion in the group. Therefore, the group will able to work functionally and to ensue in, the positive result of alteration.B ) The Intake InterviewAll the above are portion of the consumption interview. The intent of the interview is, on one manus, the definition of the standards for exclusion or inclusion in the group and on the other manus, the anticipation of the interpersonal behaviour of the members. Therefore, during the prescreening interview, the object of the enquiry is non merely the patient as a topic of psychological scrutiny and diagnosing, but besides his interpersonal attitudes, accomplishments and interaction with the healer. I think it is necessary for the individual who is traveling to take part in the therapy group to undergo a series of diagnostic procedures, such as a recording of his single background, an IQ trial and a projective trial. For that intent, as a healer I have in my disposal the Weschler IQ trial and the I ¤.I‘.I ¤ . personality trial ( Thematic Apperception Test ) . The interpersonal consumption interview is every bit of import as the â€Å" diagnosing † . This procedure aims at analyzing the abilities and qualities of the patient, so that he can run into the demands for interpersonal communicating with the healer. The conditions of the interview have to be every bit similar as possible to those that will be shaped in the group. This is necessary, because the more similar they are, the more accurate and distinct the anticipation of interpersonal behaviour will be. Thus, the healer ‘s duty is to make an ambiance and norms resembling to those of the meetings ( such as freedom of address, regard of others, honestness, active engagement, interaction, self-contemplation, self-disclosure, giving-taking feedback, etc ) . Furthermore, it is of import that the interview will mention to â€Å" here and now † , so that the observation may take to the most utile information. Finally, the prospective member will be submitted to inquiries related to his/her past interpersonal relationships in the household, work, school, nines etc. To finish the consumption interview, I think two or three meetings at least are required. The clip before the beginning of the group therapy is important for the illation extraction about the hereafter members, every bit good as for their psychological Celsius ) Preparation of the MembersThe members ‘ readying for the therapy aims at making the fortunes which are important for their best and most effectual engagement into the group. Therefore, during the initial process, I consider elucidation of certain misinterpretations refering group therapy, really of import. Of equal importance are: informing the prospective member about some issues that he/she might disregard, beef uping his/her positive elements sing therapy and cut downing the negative 1s. It is particularly of import that group therapy is considered every bit valuable as the single 1. Furthermore, for the specific people, group therapy is likely to be a more efficient and immediate intervention, every bit far as the peculiar ends are concerned and this has to be clear ; it is necessary that the belief in and the outlook from the therapy is instilled. During the readying phase, the healer must be certain that every member ‘s personal ends from the therapy suit the group ‘s ends. Furthermore, the leader has to do a description and a full presentation of the procedures which will be followed and of the curative environment, stressing the of import elements of safety and trust. I would depict the group as a school of self-exploration and find, every bit good as an chance for societal look and engagement. I would propose to the members to be simple, honest and direct, in order to take part in the group the best manner they can ; besides, I would advert the uncomfortable feelings and the possible letdowns they might see, indicating out that the â€Å" alteration † might necessitate some hurting and, decidedly, some clip. In add-on to that, I would advert the basic regulations of confidentiality, every bit good as the necessity of avoiding subgrouping. The readying stage helps the prospective members to go familiar with the thought and the future work of the group. Therefore, their motivations to fall in the group will be stimulated, while any possible anxiousness or emphasis will be decreased.The Group CompositionHarmonizing to the description and the particular characteristics of the group, it could be considered as a homogenous therapy group. The fact that the members will hold a similar organic structure image and symptoms, leads to that decision. However, this homogeneousness will non mention to the personalities of the people. In order to be functional, the group should integrate different personalities and behaviours, so that the members can work on an synergistic footing. As a healer, I do non mean to make a hapless group, which will merely supply a short alleviation of psychological symptoms and a support for a limited clip. On the contrary, the coexistence of many different and heterogenous sorts of behaviour and of assorted psychological ways of confronting the job -physical disability- will ensue in a more synergistic and disputing group. Furthermore, the members will change in age, but they will belong to the same age class ( grownups, 20-50 old ages old ) . A great age difference could do troubles in communicating and common apprehension among them, or it could convey a sense of isolation. The symptom homogeneousness is likely to trip a series of curative factors, in a really short period of clip. The fact that the members will portion common and similar experiences in relation to their physical specialness, will ensue in coherence and catholicity even from the first meetings. The support they will offer one another and the exchange of suggestions and advice on specific issues, will convey into action selflessness and interpersonal acquisition. On the other manus, the already activated curative factors will assist with the more mature confrontation of any struggles or dissensions during the therapy, raised from the members ‘ heterogeneousness. Therefore, the coexistence of those two elements, homogeneousness and heterogeneousness, is of critical importance for the positive result of the therapy.Announcement of the GroupThe proclamation of the therapy group can be done in many different ways. First, it can be advertised in certain specialised magazines, which addr ess to people with disablements, such as â€Å" ORIZONTAS TON PARAPLIGIKON † , â€Å" ISOTIMIA † and â€Å" ANAPIRIA TORA † . It can besides be published in the specialised web site Furthermore, there can be postings hanged in the cardinal offices of the organisations for the handicapped people, every bit good as in private offices of physicians and physical therapists. Finally, a all right manner to advance the group is a personal contact with people who are likely to be interested or could inform some others about it. The response might non be so immediate, so the procedure of the proclamation has to get down rather early before the beginning day of the month of the group meetings.In conclusionaˆÂ ¦All the above describe a possible creative activity of a therapy group and of its initial processs on a theoretical footing. However, the practical execution might differ significantly from the image presented in this assignment. The leading of such a group requires exceeding professional makings and a magnetic personality in order to cover with people with physical disablements. The differentiation between the human inclinations of empathy, emotional presence, protection and support from commiseration is rather hard some times and it demands experience and particular accomplishments from the healer. The nature of the group requires a great trade of duty, which might arouse inordinate emphasis to the healer, particularly during the first meetings. However, the sense of satisfaction and fulfilment that rises from the working with such a group of people, can be really intense. Giving and assisting people who have a more obvious demand for alleviation, credence, support and love than the able-bodied, constitutes a gift of psyche, which is to be returned to the 1 who offered it. The balance lies someplace in between. The aureate mean that separates the professional healer from the emotional homo being, but which unites them at the same clip.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Slavery in the United States

The problem of slavery in the territories created tensions that contributed to the breakup of the Union in 1860-61. The main explanation for the origins of the American Civil War is slavery, especially when it came to Southern anger. The Southern anger was based on the Northern attempts to avoid further slave expansion, which lead to numerous acts, and essentially caused the war against Mexico. The United States was a nation divided into two different regions separated by the Mason-Dixon Line. New England, the Northeast and the Midwest had a rapidly-growing economy based on family farms, industry, mining, commerce and transportation, with a large and rapidly growing urban population and no slavery north of the border-states. Its growth was fed by a high birth rate and large numbers of European immigrants, especially Irish, British and German. The South was dominated by a settled plantation system based on slavery. There was some rapid growth taking place in the Southwest, (i. e. Texas), based on high birth rates and high migration from the Southeast, but it had a much lower immigration rate from Europe. The South also had fewer large cities, and little manufacturing except in border areas (which were very influenced by the Northern region). Slave owners controlled politics and economics, though two-thirds of Southern whites owned no slaves and usually were engaged in subsistence agriculture The economic and social differences between the North and the South were two main f actors that caused tensions that contributed to the breakup of the Union. As stated earlier the South was dominated by a settled plantation system based on slavery. Unlike the North in which slavery was frown upon. The North? s economy was based in small farms, and industrial labor in the urban populated cities. As for the North that socially was shaped by European immigration, the South was very much isolated. The North was progressing as labor united various kinds of cultures achieving a society that sustain in each other, unlike the South who solely depended on the Slaves, even though most farms did not contain slaves the Southern society was moved by the richest plantation owners (which did solely depend on slavery). Some other factors that lead to tension leading to the separation of the Union are; States versus federal rights, the fight between Slave and Non-Slave State Proponents, Growth of the Abolition Movement, and finally the election of Abraham Lincoln.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Group Characteristics and Development Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Group Characteristics and Development - Article Example Four of us had known each other before coming to the same university since we had all met at the various debating competitions which we had taken part in previously and won laurels for our respective institutions. Serisha was new to all the members because she had travelled all the way from India to study at our school. At one competition I had lost to Sera and Adam had lost to me, so Sera stood first, I stood second and Adam third. Consequently, we all shared a common passion for debating and respected each other’s debating style. Therefore, when we all met at school, we took no time in forming our group. It has been approximately 11 months now since we have all been a part of this group. Initially, it was evident that Serisha felt a little left out because the rest of us had some common experiences to share and talk about. The change which I feel exists now is that Serisha is as comfortable with us as we are with her. The basic tasks for which the group was formed was keepin g practice sessions, practicing for upcoming competitions, discussing a good public speaking video each week and coordinating with other sub-groups of the debating society and learning about their progress. All this work required a leader to take responsibility that the assigned work was done.

Friday, September 27, 2019

LEGAL ADVICE Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

LEGAL ADVICE - Research Paper Example Continuously, the healthcare costs trend of the university has been on the increase at a rate of between 10-15% yearly. Though this is economically tenable given the current economic environment, a steering committee was formed to form a five-year initiative to lead the organization for another five year term period. Based on the aforementioned gap and prioritization analyses, as well as our learning from benchmark studies, it is intended that the following areas will receive priority over the next five years. Between Years, One and Two MHCI has to plan to undertake the following initiatives: 1. Development and implementation of a comprehensive communications plan to move people to action around health improvement 2. Annual offering of free, confidential wellness assessments for regular, active UM faculty and staff, including a health questionnaire and wellness screening 3. Provision of wellness assessment participation incentives for eligible faculty and staff 4. Post health questio nnaire follow?up and referral to helpful programs and health coaching designed to help individuals reduce their health risks and/or maintain their low?risk status 5. Implementation and evaluation of population?based wellness programs such as Active U, healthy eating, online tools related to ergonomics and mental and emotional health 6. Analysis of the alignment and integration of MHealthy programs with UM health care benefit offerings 7. Analysis and implementation of innovative programs designed to improve the value of health care in Michigan and beyond From Years, Three through five a shift in the initiative planning strategies will take a different form as follows: 1. Continued provision of wellness assessments and incentives (wellness screenings to be provided in years three and five) 2. Detailed program analysis to determine impact on health improvement, culture change and cost containment strategies 3. Additional strategic program planning based on outcomes from detailed progr am analysis 4. Continued analysis of the alignment and integration of MHealthy programs with UM health care benefit offerings 5. Lastly, we will ensure continued analysis and implementation of innovation programs for effectiveness and efficiency in the organization. The recommendations in the development of the initiatives are considered a business imperative as well as the right thing to do. It is essential to the overall well?being of the University and its employees to improve health and at the same time, slow the growth in health care costs. Elements of administrative laws and their relevance to the upcoming initiative This branch of the laws includes the laws and the principles of law, which will lead to the administration, and the regulation of MHCI. Such elements include those that will enable the organization perform multiple tasks to their target clients and the citizens at large with regard to the required regulatory frameworks. Such elements of the law include the resourc e protection elements, transport regulation elements, the food and health protection elements of the law. Because not all administrative law systems are the same, it is imperative for an individual to have knowledge of the political, historical, social, and economic context of the system of a particular state to fully understand its administrative law. In most systems, a state’

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Bring Tare To Justice Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Bring Tare To Justice - Case Study Example In October 2007, a winner of the Nobel Prize for Literature donated her money for a campaign that holds Boney Tare accountable for the Anglo-Mesopotistani War in the criminal and civil courts of England. The Lobby started a campaign with the slogan, 'Bring Tare to Justice'. The lobby has approached for advice on the advantages and disadvantages of suing Boney Tare in Civil Courts for Torts of Trespass against Tare in person and against Misfeasance in Public Office. There are thus two ways that justice could be brought against Tare - that is, against Tare as a person and against Misfeasance in Public Office. The potential claimants at the Lobby who can help sue Tare are Omar, who has been interned by the British Army for the last four years in its Detention Facility in Mespotistan, Ali, who was the victim of torture by two British soldiers who were subsequently court-martialled for their acts. Doris, a UK citizen who has never been to Mespotistan, but who is strongly of the opinion Tare should pay exemplary damages to those he has trespassed against. Fatima, whose husband died in the March 2003 bombing raids. Considering an answer to these questions would be the best method to understand the ways in which any legal proceedings could be brought against Boney Tare both on the basis that he has wronged in person and that there has also been Misfeasance in Public Office. After considering the four potential claimants who can help sue and testify against, it can also be decided as to who would be better suited to testify against Tare. For law dealing with the Trespass against the Person, the first issue is whether the English Courts have jurisdiction over a decision taken in England to commit false imprisonments in Mespotistan. Boney Tare can be sued on the basis of Tort or for committing legal wrong of Trespass and Misfeasance. Tort is a branch of Civil law and although similar to criminal law Tort is a case between private parties so in this case, under Tort a case can be brought up against Tare as an individual and Omar who was at the detention facility in Mespotistan or Ali who was a victim of Torture could bring up the case against Tare. The court might order to pay damages to Ali or Omar or stop the wrongful activity (in this case, the invasion and war in Mespotistan). The bilateral aspect of Tort law allows victims to sue the injurers directly without blaming the state and this provision can allow

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Philosophy of Educational Specification Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Philosophy of Educational Specification - Essay Example Personally, I want to see my students develop and work together for their own betterment. By doing this, I will introduce group works and group discussions in the junior high school students. I will also introduce project development in class to enable my students be familiar with the various complex fields required by them. The projects aim at providing the presentation of facilities, which would be utilized by both the students and the teachers in conducting practical tests, which are within the STEM field. I will also ensure that all the students have enough freedom, which will allow them to improve in their creativity and thus better effectively express their ideas. There is the need of improving my teaching skills within the class, which would necessitate transformation of different methods that are utilized in teaching. Alternatively, increasing the need for academic relevance especially in theoretical materials within the practical setting would be important for my class. This would most definitely encourage the students on the materials viability and also enhance theoretical concepts and understanding within the classroom. I also hope to help the students in conducting laboratory studies, which are within STEM field since my philosophy is based on ensuring practicality teaching in the STEM field. I will also provide my students with enough space which will support academic development and learning among the students using this particular program. By doing this, I will be in a better position to develop an effective approach in managing any conflicts arising from some of the students educational requirements and budgetary issues. This particular field will enable the students link the educational program and their own development hence betterment of their results. To enable the students participate in the field without any

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Editngi a paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Editngi a paper - Essay Example However, On the other hand, having worked from my experience as a bilingual and English teacher, I would use my extensive experience on the subject and state and discuss some of the guiding principles that which may lead to the development of a successful bilingual environment i.e. public school, English learning institutions and homes. One of The most fundamental issues, in my opinion, that which should be taken into account consideration when while teaching at bilingual programs is the functional use and division of language, Eemotional and linguistic care and A a positive attitude towards language. The functional use of a language and its division means refers to the direct use of the target language. Moreover, when While teaching bilingual students, a teacher should not translate from L1 to L2 since such an act is known to Translating to L1 will slow down the process of learning. Students should be encouraged to look up the unfamiliar words by themselves. Also, a teacher should be careful not to arbitrary switch between languages, arbitrarily, when while delivering a lesson lecture. Emotional and linguistic care means that learners should be introduced to both languages simultaneously at the same strength. Moreover, parents who are the main source of a language input should spend enough adequate time to speak converse with to their child in their native language (i.e. L1). A positive attitude towards language means that the surrounding environments i.e. which comprises of parents, care takers, baby sitters and neighbourhood as well as to the learners themselves should must ha ve a positive attitude and acceptance to learn other languages. Taking Incorporating and implementing the above mentioned issues will definitely undeniably lead towards the creation of a successful bilingualism

Monday, September 23, 2019

Create a security policy - Please read instructions Essay

Create a security policy - Please read instructions - Essay Example Since Destin is mainly a tourist’s attraction, the company receives various small design jobs throughout the year and especially in the summer. Along with providing design services, the company also provides PR services and content writing services for some of its major clients. Rubric Company is mainly a service based company and this means employees have to be courteous to the clients as they are the face of the company. While the clients of the company are quickly expanding, so are the employees in the organization. Rubric began as a small advertising agency with only five employees but the need of the business required employees more business over the years. As of now, the company has 50 employees on its payroll. Thus, the organization evolved from a closely knit group to an organization that is considering expanding to new states within the US. The purpose and intent of this policy is to protect Rubric Company from premeditated or inadvertent unethical behavior. Moreover, this policy is designed to develop an open and trustworthy culture in the organization where the participation and support of each employee is valued.. The following strategy pertains to all entities working for or in association with the day to day business of Rubric Company. The policy is intended for all the people in the organization including the CEO, managers and Human resource in the organization. This includes both the employees and the upper management of the company. It is also specifically targeted to employees who have been found to be involved in certain unethical behavior. Once the ethics policy is approved, it is to be expected that the policy would be considered as part of the rules and regulations of the organization and would guide the management regarding the proper course of action regarding future issues of

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Hewlett-Packard, Inc Essay Example for Free

Hewlett-Packard, Inc Essay Hewlett-Packard, Inc. has been one of the leading IT Company competing with DELL. Throughout the company history, Hewlett-Packard’s top management team has always sought to ensure that the company stays ahead of its competitors. Though this has been the case, strategic decisions made by the company’s past and present CEOs, especially, Carleton S. Fiorina and Mark V. Hurd may differ as much as they may be similar in some ways. During Carleton S. Fiorina’s tenure, the main focus was on the future and all strategic decisions and investments were made for future growth and stability. This kind of investment was at the expense of any decisions that would ensure growth at the time. Fiorina was the HP CEO from 1999 to 2005 and during her tenure the main causes of loss of revenue and market share were due to the fact that she not only focuses on the future rather than current growth but she made investments that seemed costly to the company at the time but which she believed could bring greater revenue growth in the future. Great opposition from managers and some board members, coupled with the scandal on leaked company information saw the company image delve into the negative causing financial damage to the company. According to Evans-Correia (2005), â€Å"Broderick said HP still faces numerous problems. It continues to lose market share to Dell Inc. and its corporate-computing unit, which includes storage, software and server computers, has remained weak and unable to fend off competition from IBM and EMC Corp. â€Å"The company has good technologies, but their to-market strategy has not been effective. †Ã¢â‚¬  Though the merger with Compaq brought increased revenue growth in the future, at the moment the merger was given a go ahead and completed, HP encountered its share of losses that were a little higher than it may have predicted initially and announced publicly. The then CEO, Fiorina, was questioned about these losses and the apparent in-disclosure of these information to the public and board of directors. In his article, Intense Grilling Flusters Fiorina, one of the writers, Burt (2002) reported that â€Å"Just as he had done yesterday, Hewlett attorney Stephen Neal repeatedly grilled the chief executive about internal financial reports that predicted larger revenue losses for 2003 than HP projected in publicly issued statements. † Increasing counterfeit products could also be seen as one of the setbacks that cost HP its revenue, image as well as market share. While the merger with Compaq brought H-P an added competitive edge in the computer hardware manufacture, the acquisition of EDS, an HP Company will now see H-P attain a competitive edge in the IT Services sector. This means that both ventures are almost equally important to H-P in maintaining leadership in the IT industry. The Compaq merger/acquisition was aimed at gaining HP footing in the computer hardware industry while the acquisition of EDS was strategically targeted at giving the company the competitive edge in IT services and customer care. While HP was mainly focused on the sale of printers, expansion to the computer hardware would prove strategic at the time the merger with Compaq was initiated. The moment EDS came on board, expansion and enhancement of the HP outsourcing service delivery was realized. During ex-CEO Fiorina’s tenure, the main strategic choices that were made were aimed at cost cutting and investment in the future with new ventures. While Fiorina focused on new ventures and expansion of the business part of the company, Hurd focused on expansion, growth and retention of employees and enhancement of customer service and support. Fiorina was more focused on sales, high profits and numbers at all costs while Hurd focused on the company tradition of focusing on the employees as well as growth and expansion. While Fiorina went to on to cut jobs so as to cut on costs, Hurd took on a new stand by focusing mainly on all that could be done to maintain the best workers and staff retention as well as customer satisfaction. As stated by Hurd and Lesjak in the HP Annual Report (2008), â€Å"The addition of EDS further expands HP’s comprehensive, strategically assembled portfolio that provides unparalleled capabilities for delivering end-to-end solutions. More importantly, EDS adds a world-class, globally scaled services capability to HP’s established leadership in hardware and management software. † Since inception, the company has proven to be a greater competitor and leading in innovation and customer satisfaction.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Continuing Personal and Professional Development Essay Example for Free

Continuing Personal and Professional Development Essay In this paper I shall endeavour to critically reflect on my own approach to professional and personal development by commenting and / or exemplifying each of the highlighted criteria below. 1. Complete own individual learning plan including: a) C.V please see appendix 1 . b) Skills and knowledge audits please see appendix 2,3,4. c) Analysis of observation report – please see appendix 5. 1. 3.1. Evaluate own approaches, strengths and development needs, including literacy, language and numeracy skills. In order to evaluate ones own strengths and weaknesses in teaching and tutoring one must carry a reasonable understanding of the fundamental requirements. Following a process of study and extensive analysis of appendixes 6,7,8,9, my own development needs are most clearly in the areas of stress management, updating of Literacy and numeracy skills. Review of my reflections ( see appendix 10) demonstrates the need for more effective stress management strategies to be put into place as the notes show clearly defined moments of stress due to the previous lack of organisation and staff rotation, as well as the fact that I am the only teacher in the Child development department and therefore Head of department, position which brings with it extra responsibilities such as budgeting and administrative duties that teachers would not ordinarily have to take responsibility for. Although my Job description does not mention these extra responsibilities I have undertaken the duties and intend to enter into discussions with the Personnel Manager regarding an increment in remuneration and more importantly further training relating to budget management and SLT training as my role requires. My literacy skills have not been updated for three years therefore there is a requirement that this updating should be undertaken; the same applies to mathematics and ICT as shown in the review of standards of adult literacy, mathematics and ICT, according to LLUK (online) â€Å"The three levels of the standards correspond to the levels of demand of qualifications in the national qualifications framework.† For example, the standards at level 1 are equivalent in demand to the key skills at level 1 and broadly equivalent to levels 4 and 5 of the national curriculum for schools. The regular updating of these skills is of paramount importance for the teacher as shortfalls in these functional skills areas will without a doubt adversely affect the students and their relationship with the tutor(due to the students seeing the teacher as a role model); much apart from this being a requirement within the LLUK standards. The opportunity for such study must be prioritized and time made to train; in my areas of specialism (hairdressing and child development), regular training is especially important as the subjects are ever evolving and changing both technically and in terms of legislation; a minimum of thirty hours technical training and thirty hours other CPD are required for hairdressing and nineteen hours in child development; as mentioned in the review by LLUK , â€Å"Teachers and trainers need opportunities to undertake CPD targeted at keeping up to date or increasing the breadth of their experience in subject specialism’s and related fields. Work‑shadowing and subject specialist communities of practice are increasingly important; time to undertake professional formation and gain QTLS or ATLS also important.† 1. 3.2. Use reflection and feedback to develop knowledge, practice and skills including literacy, language, numeracy and ICT skills. Continuing Professional Development has existed in many guises for twenty years or more with the aim of providing the professional with a platform on which to think about and plan their own development; in this way it may be considered a process of evidencing reflective practices, a way to improve general and area specific skills for career management. As mentioned above there is a need as well as a legal requirement for my Literacy and numeracy skills to be updated and retested as these have not been revisited for more than three years. Please see reflections in appendix 10. There are extensive guidelines and examples for recording reflections for CPD on the LSIS website that I have used as a basis for my reflective practices and due to the fact that they are to a recognised standard and could be used with ease for registering CPD. 1. 3.3. Plan appropriate opportunities to address identified learning needs. In planning opportunities to address shortfalls in professional practice one must take into consideration several influencing factors: a) Urgency – The need for immediate updating of a certain skill when affecting efficiency of teaching therefore affecting students’ ability to learn. In this case the teacher must update the skills as soon as possible. b) Time availability (not affecting contact time) c) Funding – will the course of training be free (through mentoring, shadowing or observation of a senior teacher); will the workplace fund the course or will this be funded by the teacher in both cases a suitably priced course is to be found. d) Changes in legislation and techniques – The need would be immediate as information passed to students regarding legislation may be erroneous and antiquated techniques will impair the ability of the student obtaining employment. Changes in legislation can occur several times in a short period of time; therefore it is advisable to keep up-to-date with these changes through the media, published government papers, subject specific publications and the internet. These forms of updating knowledge are easy to access and training can be undertaken at leisure. Advancements in techniques however are more difficult to learn and will require a course or demonstration, thus requiring a dedicated amount of time and funding, but usually less than a full review of a certain skill. e) Skills updating to maintain QTS/QTLS – a review of literacy, numeracy and ICT skills is a requirement as is regular updating, all of the above must be taken into consideration. My ILP (see appendix 11) outlines planned opportunities for learning opportunities. 2. 2.1. Analyse and compare relevant theories, principles and models of reflective practice. 2. 2.2. Explain how theories, principles and models of reflective practice can be applied to development of the autonomous learner. Reflecting allows the teacher to mentally process, analyse and utilize an experience to change or replicate an outcome. Using reflection enables the teacher to evolve in their teaching. David Berliner (2001) notes that the teacher develops in stages going from novice to expert. See figure 1.1 below: The first to introduce ideas of reflective practice was Donald Schon in his book –The Reflective Practice (1983) in which he uses John Dewys concepts of learning through experience, in tern loosely based on other theories of learning and development such as those of Jean Piaget, Kurt Lewin, William James ans Carl Jung, D.Schon also Reflection as defined by Donald Schon is the ability of professionals to ‘think what they are doing while they are doing it’. He states that the only way to manage the indeterminate zones of professional practice is through the ability to think† on the run†, and apply past experience to new situations. This is essential and requires the ability reflect-in-action. His words make sense to me, as I strive to be student-centred, compassionate, evidence-based, and cost effective all at the same time! Schon also offers insight into how the reflective professional is ‘produced’. He describes the main concepts as: Reflective Practicum. â€Å"A practicum is a setting designed for the task of learning a practice†. D.Schon (1983). This relates to students learning by doing, with the help of the teacher. He tells us the practicum is ‘reflective’ in two senses: â€Å"it is intended to help students become proficient in a kind of reflection-in-action; and, when it works well, it involves a dialogue of teacher and student that takes the form of reciprocal reflection-in-action.† Argyris and Schon.(1978) Tacit knowledge This comes from the work of Michael Polanyi. He describes the ability we have to pick out a familiar face in a crowd, not requiring any thought, or a systematic analysis of features. We can’t say how this is done; therefore the knowledge is ‘unspoken’ or ‘tacit’. Knowing-in-action This is another of Schà ¶n’s concepts, and it derives from the idea of tacit knowledge. It refers to the kinds of knowledge we can only reveal in the way we carry out tasks and approach problems. â€Å"The knowing is in the action. It is revealed by the skilful execution of the performance – we are characteristically unable to make it verbally explicit.† This tacit knowledge is derived from research, and also from the practitioner’s own reflections and experience. Reflection-in-action This kind of reflection occurs whilst a problem is being addressed, in what Schon calls the ‘action-present’. It is a response to a surprise – where the expected outcome is outside of our control. This reflective process is conscious, but may not be verbalised. Reflection-in-action is about challenging our assumptions (because knowing-in-action is the basis of assumption). It is about thinking again, in a new way, about a problem we have already encountered. Reflection-on-action This is reflection after the event. Consciously undertaken, and documented. Willing suspension of disbelief This phrase was originally used by Samuel Taylor Coleridge to describe the process of entering into an experience, without judgment, in order to learn from it. Schà ¶n uses the term in relation to the idea of learning by doing. â€Å"One cannot will oneself to ‘believe’ until one understands. But understanding often will only arise from experience† D.Schon (1983).Therefore there is a necessity for the experience to happen. Operative attention This relates to the readiness to apply new information. This idea is partly derived from Wittgenstein’s5 contention that the meaning of an operation can only be learned through its performance. It prepares the learner for feedback on that activity, and develops understanding. The ladder of reflection Argyris and Schà ¶n describe a vertical dimension of analysis happening in the dialogue between learner and teacher. In order to climb the ‘ladder’ you must reflect on an activity. In order to move down the ‘ladder’ you move from reflection to experimentation. This being a’ ladder’ you can also reflect on the process of reflection. My view is that this process truly helps with modifying‘stuck’ situations. Moving up or down the ladder is not important as long as it assists Teacher and student to achieve together ‘convergence of meaning’. Kolb Kolbs’ theory and model is based on the concept that the teacher and student learn by experience and then transform information gathered into knowledge. Kolb was influenced by both Dewy and Piaget in the 1970’s as were many other theories. Concrete Experience (doing / having an experience) The Concrete Experience is the doing component which comes from the content and process of the teaching programme, experienced through reading of teaching materials together with actual experience of teaching in the classroom in addition to other teaching duties and practices. Concrete experience also derives from ones own experience of being a student. Reflective Observation (reviewing / reflecting on the experience) Reflective Observation relates to analysis and judgements of events and the discussion about the learning and teaching between teacher, mentor and colleagues.. Teachers naturally reflect on their experiences of teaching particularly when they are inexperienced and have experienced a lesson that did not progress well. This might be termed common-sense reflection. However how can this be analysed? It is necessary to articulate our reflections in some systematic way in order to remember thoughts and build on that experience for further reference. This may be done through self-reflections or evaluations after the event through keeping a log or journal. It may also include student feedback, peer observation of teaching. Reflection in itself is insufficient to promote learning and professional development. Unless acted upon, reflections alone with no action equal no development. Abstract Conceptualisation (concluding / learning from the experience) In order to plan what could be done differently next time, one must be informed by educational theory and advancement e.g. through CPD. Reflection is therefore a middle ground that brings together theories and the analysis of past experiences. It allows a conclusion referring to practice Abstract Conceptualism. Active Experimentation (planning / trying out what you have learned) The conclusions formed at the Abstract Conceptualisation stage then form the basis for planned changes Active Experimentation. Active Experimentation then starts the cycle again; in implementing changes in teaching practice one generates further concrete experience which in turn elicits reflection and review to form conclusions referent to the effectiveness of those changes. In scrutinising Kolbs’ theory, model I note that it is largely dependent on ‘try and re-try’ of the whole rather than the ‘step-by step’ approach preferred by Argyris and Schon, the pitfalls are in the detection of small errors that lead to the whole inefficiency that could become overwhelming causing smaller detail may be overlooked. The effect of the above mentioned theories, models and principles amongst others is obvious in the reflective teacher and in my own practice; reflection is a fundamental part of my practice and Schons’ Ladder of reflection is a simple way to quantify and analyse the advances and shortcomings of my practice, allowing for assessment and re-assessment of small parts of teaching to analysed and modified without drastically altering the majority of the content and delivery. 3. 4.1. Identify and engage in appropriate CPPD opportunities to keep up to date and develop teaching in specialist area. Continuous training in my specialist area is imperative as mentioned in 1. 3.1, 3.2, 3.3., also please see ILP appendix 11. 3. 4.2. Evaluate the impact of CPPD activities on professional practice, identifying further learning and development needs. The impact of CPPD on my own practice has been ‘astronomical’; the relevance of staff meetings and discussions has shown itself in every aspect of teaching, from the use of objective boards to clarify expectations for the achievement in the lesson, the benefits of clear behaviour expectations and the presence of a ‘behaviour ladder graph’ in the classroom has improved behaviour incrementally, the understanding of tracking procedures and other administrative tasks has been aided and supported during discussions with mentors and my professional development need for further training in certain asp ects of my skills in Beauty therapy in order to maintain an up-to-date knowledge of techniques has been highlighted. 3. 1.1. Analyse and compare different teaching roles and context in the Lifelong Learning Sector. Thanks to the shift in control of FE colleges from local authority control in 1992 there was a move towards market based education and therefore an increase in roles for teachers in the LLS In thinking about Lifelong teaching the varied roles of the teacher become clear; in this area the teacher workforce is diverse and includes: * Further education (FE) – Teaching in colleges – Lecturers in this setting tend to teach learners over the age of 16: unless teaching travel to learn students. * Adult and community education – teaching in community settings such as teaching ESOL at a community centre. * 6th forms – fundamentally continuing skills based education for learners who studied at GCSE level. * Offender learning – teaching skills to inmates to aid rehabilitation, work-based learning – teaching in house required skills. In comparing all of the above one can note that there seem to be recurrent similarities no matter in which setting the LLS teacher works such as : * Good communicators. * Good organisers. * Varied specialisms and often more than one. * A willingness to continue learning. Much apart from â€Å"just† teaching/lecturing the role of the LLS teacher is extremely varied. A LLS teacher may be an assessor, an instructor, an apprentice supervisor, a prison education officer, learning manager or a community co-ordinator, as well as councillor and confidant; requiring a set of skills that may not be found in other areas of education. Furthermore teachers in LLS demonstrate the unique skills associated with their specialism as they often come to teaching as a second or third career. The diverse experience of the LLS teacher will contribute to efficacy when relating to other disciplines and in meeting the needs of the learners, using all of the communication skills learned in past careers. According to McGraw-Hill (online) â€Å" As a teacher you will work across faculties and disciplines to meet the diverse needs of your learners. In order to do this effectively, communicating effectively is essential; this will include asking questions, seeking advice, and sharing your experiences with other practitioners.† 4.1.2. Evaluate own role and responsibilities with reference to area of specialism and as part of a team. Practices and in my two main areas of specialism differ vastly from each other. The hair and beauty area has assessments based mainly around observation and examination of end product, with little written assignment work. Within this department I work with another teacher in the same classroom with equal responsibility for lesson planning , delivery and assessment; our roles differ in that the other teacher has most of the responsibility for SOW and curriculum design with input form me. Within the Child Development, I have the headship and this carries responsibilities such as curriculum design and implementation as well as coordinating the work carried out by the TAs and the ‘nurture’ department who deal with student with severe SEN (special educational needs), PD (physical disabilities) and BED(behavioural and emotional difficulties)- in our case an unusually high number of students display these barriers to learning , it is my responsibility to adapt our SOW and resources to enable these students to enjoy the same opportunities as our mainstream students. Also the responsibility for budgeting and allocation of ICT access is also within my remit. The ‘usual’ teaching duties are included such as actual delivery, observation and marking, covering detentions and isolation dealing with further behavioural issues amongst other duties. 4.1.3 Analyse the impact of own beliefs, assumptions and behaviours on learners and others. The impact of my own beliefs is most obvious with my lack of compliance when asked if I could further facilitate the progression of a student, I felt that this would compromise my professional integrity and that basically any further intervention would constitute ‘spoon feeding’ answers to this student, representing a disadvantage to other students that did not receive the same treatment. As for fundamental assumptions and beliefs; I have never liked to stereotype and assume therefore I do not demonstrate any bias and the students are affected very little if at all by these. My behaviour must be exemplary at all times, as a Teacher I represent a role model and as such I must conduct myself in an acceptable manner. Although I do not like confrontation and therefore an quick to notice any issues and aim to resolve them quickly. 4.1.4 Analyse the impact of own professional, personal, interpersonal skills, including literacy, numeracy and ICT skills, on learners and others. I am able to communicate with people at all levels well using appropriate language according to the situation and setting, I tend to portray a positive outlook and this affects both students and colleagues positively. My dyslexia does affect others as I require proof reading when issuing letters, reports and other documents but, there is a strategy in place for this. My students all know that I am dyslexic and are happy to point out any errors although these are very few, in some ways tis problem helps with connecting with some students as I teach in caring areas and students should have the ability to empathise with others as well as the obvious ease of connection with students with the same difficulty. Bibliography / References Boud, D., Keogh, R. and Walker, D. (1985) â€Å"Reflection: Turning Experience in to Learning†, London: Kogan Brockbank, A. and McGill,I. (1998) â€Å"Facilitating Reflective Learning in Higher Education†, Buckingham: SHRE/Open University Press Cowan,J. (1998) â€Å"On Becoming an Innovative University Teacher Reflection in Action†, Buckingham SRHE/ Open university Press. Dewy,J.(1993)†How we think. A restatement of the relation of reflective thinking to the educative process†.(revised edition), Boston:D.C.Heath. Kolb,D.A. (1984) Experiential Learning experience as a source of learning and development, New Jersey: Prentice Hall Moon,J. (1999) Reflection in Learning and Professional Development Theory and Practice, London: Kogan Schon,D. (1991) The Reflective Practitioner How Professionals Think in Action, London: Avebury IfL-Review-of-CPD-. Available: Last accessed 28/12/12. Mc Graw-Hill.- Mc Graw-Hill-Available: Last accessed 29/12/12

Friday, September 20, 2019

Minority vs. Majority Government

Minority vs. Majority Government Minority vs. Majority Government Depending on who you are both a majority government and a minority government could either make or break the development of your country. A majority government is formed by one party who receives the majority vote over all other parties in the legislature. This government is able to pass legislation, make sure the House of Commons is able to function and can stay in power more easily then a minority government (Storm, 1999). Minority governments are single party that form a government without receiving the majority of seats in the legislature (Storm, 1999). A minority government has to make decisions with other parties and adjust policies to get enough votes from other parties to pass policies. They must constantly work to make sure the House of Commons is running smoothly to stay in power (Storm, 1999). Canadians struggle to decide which government is more productive and helpful to maintain the steadiness of our country. In Canada, we currently have a minority government which isnt working what we need is a strong majority government. On both sides of the political specturm they think its good to have minority governments, essentially because they cant get too much done (McKelvy, 2009). They believe that as long as we have a minority government we can do whatever we want and Canada will do just fine (McKelvy, 2009). This is a skeptical and pessimistic view of how the federal governments role is potrayed. The major weakness of minority a government is their tendency to last for only a short period. Governments are often unable to fully pursue their policies because other partys will collapse before they can negotiate anything.. The average duration of minority governments in Canada is approximately 18 months (Gray, 2008). Minority governments have to negotiate with other parties regularly to get policies passed and it is difficult to bring consistency to government policy because its hard to get everyone to agree on policies. The party in charge may have to compromise with one party on one issue and then compromis e with another party on a different issue (McKelvy, 2009). This can be a problem because government actions in one area can neglect government actions in another area. Inefficiency and the demand for negotiation can slow down the government immensely. Instead of being able to take swift action on demanding issues, governments are forced to engage in long and dull negotiation with other political parties (McKelvy, 2009). This can cause issues that require immediate action, such as policies and the budgets. Minority governments open the possibility for less responsibility (McKelvy, 2009). This is because the different parties are working together in making government policy. It can be difficult to locate blame when policy goes wrong, as the different parties may simply blame one another. Long term success requires long term ideas and this is something, especially Harpers minority government, cannot achieve because a minority government only lasts for a short period of time, so no decisions can be made (Collage, 2008). A minority government of Liberal, NDP or Conservatives is not acceptable. With a majority government they will be able to pass legislation with no problems and there will be more government intervention (Collage, 2008). The Prime Minister and the Cabinet have a lot of control over the government plans and policies. They can put forth whatever policy they like, and then they can ensure that those policies are supported in the House of Commons and then they can be passed into law (Collage, 2008). A majority government could formulate a plan that would be able to take action and a minority government would end up debating all day about how effective such actions might be instead of taking action. Canadians need a strong majority government ensure us of a Parliament that will work when its needed. Prime Minister Stephen Harper is our current prime minister and wants a majority government the next time the Canadians go to the polls for a federal election (Gray, 2008). Most Canadians are unsatisfied with Harper as their minority government and believe he would do poorly running under a majority government (Gray, 2008). Under a minority government Harper has been unable to do certain things that a majority government would be able to do and others would say he is just unfit to govern. The current minority government has caused the Parliament to become increasingly dysfunctional. Harper is governing like he has the majority and is trying to bully the opposition which is hurting the economic crisis we are in (Millard, 2009). Harper wanted to score political points by trying to eliminate public financing of political parties. That caused the opposition leaders to consider attempting to replace the government by forming a coalition. Harper could have cut public financing by more tha n half from 1.95 per vote to 0.95 per vote (Millard, 2009). This would have been the sensible thing to do in the current economic environment. A minority government wont work if all of the parties dont work together. Harper made a mistake by appointing people to the senate when he said he wouldnt. Harper promised to reform the senate and promised not to appoint any unelected Senators (Hogan, 2010). He acted hypocritically in appointing senators he said in the past he would not. He broke a promise he made and all the prime ministers promised they would not appoint any senators either. This shows that Harper is unable to keep a promise which means he could break any of his other ones. Its harder running under a minority government because not only does Harper have to keep promises to the country, but he also has to keep promise to his opposing parties. Harper also refused to bail out failed industries after he gave more than 3 billion to rescue the auto sector (Ross, 2008). Harper said he would offer similar aid to the struggling mining and forestry industries in Januarys next month budget (Ross, 2010). There was no mention of support for resource industries in Harpers recent Throne Speech or in i ts fiscal update last month. This provoked so much criticism that it led to the creation of the opposition collation and almost cost Harper its minority government. Canada is sinking under Harpers debt even though has stated that he would not engage in deficit financing nor take on new debt (Valpy, 2009). According to Harper pump priming is a solution to the weakness in our economy (Valpy, 2009). Harper said he is going to spend tens of billion of dollars to try and pump money into the economy and Canada will have to endure large deficits along the way. In the 2008 election Harpers conservative government was already spending its way deeper into debt. A massive amount of 89.5 billion dollars was produced of financial requirement deficit (Valpy, 2009). By 2009 the federal government had already racked up 79.5 billion in new debt financing (Valpy, 2009). A deficit of $33.7 billion for the 2010 fiscal year and $29.8 billion the following year is predicted (Valpy, 2009). Looking at the Conservatives report and observing their forecasts of budget deficits, it seems like these numbers could turn out to be bigger. Harper was predicting small surpluses for years coming and then predicted enormous ones. That leads me to believe these deficits could turn out to be much larger that we think. If the economy worsens beyond what is expected, this could end up being true. Canadians are fed up with the repeated minority governments that keep occurring in the House of Commons. According to a poll conducted by Harris Decimal, 64 percent of Canadians want a majority government and 36 percent want a minority government (Howard, 2009). Even the people believe that their country is better off with a majority government then a minority government. It doesnt look like Canada will be getting a majority government anytime soon due to the Bloc Quebecois party. Gilles Duceppe argued that a Conservative majority would be bad for Quebec and only his party can stop that from happening (Howard, 2009). The Bloc Quebecois party wants to stop a majority government from occurring by getting everyone in Quebec to vote for there party which will not allow Canada to be under a majority government. Harper said â€Å"if the Conservatives dont succeed in getting a majority he predicted the Liberals will govern in a coalition with the NDP and Bloc Quebecois† (Howard, 200 9). â€Å"If they get together and force us to the polls, we have to teach them a lesson and get back there with a majority, and make sure their little coalition never happens, Harper said. (Howard, 2009) The Liberals claim that this shows that Harper doesnt want to work with the other parties in Parliament (Howard, 2009). I see a coalition government of the NDP and Bloc as a desperate grab for power; I think its also a reflection of the genuine frustration with the current hopelessness of our government. The Liberal party have said they want to make sure that the Conservative party is not in power anymore (Howard, 2009). This shows that a majority government will never work; we need one person governing our country. We will never have a minority government if ever party is not working together because the population will disperse themselves to one party and no party will ever get the majority votes. Instead of continuing with the governments approach to Senate reform, we should try to create a body of government that can really watch the House of Commons and monitor what is happening. We could do this by using a system of proportional representation to elect members and to create a Senate that has equality and an effective body that would provide a number of benefits (Kline, 2009). First, it would allow a different diversity of parties to be able to represent themselves in Parliament (Kline, 2009). Votes that are wasted on small parties like the Greens or Bloc Quebecois could give their support to majority governments in the House of Commons and also giving small parties a voice in the Senate. Second, it would allow the Prime Minister and the Cabinet to run the country as a dictatorship if they were given the majority in the House of Commons (Kline, 2009). This would mean a less interfering government because it would make it harder for the Parliament to pass legislation on imm ediate impulse and it would allow Canadians to have a greater say in the future of their country. Furthermore, what our country needs is a majority government. Minority governments get nowhere because the opposition parties and the prime minister are always bullying each other. As I have stated in my essay Stephan Harper has caused a lot of problems because he is ruling as a majority government even though he is running under a minority government. Canadian majorities are clearly more productive legislatively than minorities. According to the history of past government the rate that bills were passed in a majority government were 20 per cent higher than in minority governments (Gray, 2009). Majority status appears to have a significant effect on both productivity and success. Canadians are growing tired of minority governments, so why is it that we keep voting for different political parties where we are unable to obtain a majority government? References Gray, John. Majority or minority government, which is actually more productive?. Canada Votes. CBC, 26 Sep 2008. Web. 22 Mar 2010. Hogan, James. CBC News. Harper names 5 to Senate. N.p., 29 Jan 2010. Web. 23 Mar 2010. Howard, Cody. CTV News. Canadians grow weary of minority governments. CTV globe media, 13 July 2009. Web. 22 Mar 2010. Kline, Jesse. The Shotgun Blog. Canadians want a majority government. N.p., 07 May 2009. Web. 24 Mar 2010. McKelvy, Andrew. Minority Government in Canada: Impediment to, or Impotence Against, the Governments Legislative Agenda?. Conference Papers Midwestern Political Science Association (2009): 1. Academic Search Premier. EBSCO. Web. 22 Mar. 2010. Millard, Gregory. Stephen Harper and the Politics of the Bully. Dalhousie Review 89.3 (2009): 329-336. Academic Search Premier. EBSCO. Web. 22 Mar. 2010. Robin, Collage. These times call for a majority government. Macleans 13 Oct. 2008: 4. Academic Search Premier. EBSCO. Web. 22 Mar. 2010. Ross, Laura. CTV News. Harper McGuinty announce $4B auto bailout package. N.p., 20 Dec 2008. Web. 23 Mar 2010. Storm, Kaare. Government and Majority Rule. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1999. 45-90. Valpy, Michael. Globe and Mail. Ignatieff blasts Harpers deficit games. N.p., 23 Jan 2009. Web. 23 Mar 2010.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Dworkins Belief Of Preferential Treatment :: essays research papers

Dworkin's Belief of Preferential Treatment For many years, preferential treatment has been used to try to make up for past wrong-doings to minorities. There have been many cases tried over racial discrimination, with verdicts of both innocent and guilty. Ronald Dworkin attempts to argue that preferential treatment is socially useful and at the same time does not violate people's rights. This is wrong for many reasons; here I shall illustrate how preferential treatment hinders racial equality, violates people's rights, and can lead to a lower opinion toward a particular race. Dworkin believes that continuing preferential treatment will decrease racial consciousness and the importance of race. This is the total opposite of what truly happens. If a person were to consider America's past, as an example, he would see how racially diverse people were. Now look around. Just walking across any given area, groups of people of the same race are seen walking together. Most people do not notice this, but very rarely are groups of ethnically diverse people seen. Although there are no longer any laws stating that there must be a separation between different races, people still practice it unconsciously. Dworkin states that the long-term goal of preferential treatment "is to reduce the degree to which American society is overall a racially conscious society (294)." Preferential treatment does nothing of the sort. It was used widely in the past and still exists in some areas today. It has not reduced racial consciousness, but increased it by making people think more about how many spaces are reserved for their particular race. Instead, people should think of what their chances are of getting something on account of their personal knowledge over someone else's, not even considering their race as a factor. This is evident in a black's point of view of getting into the medical school of the University of California at Davis. Sixteen places are set aside just for blacks and other minorities, no matter how low their test scores are. That way, minorities don't even have to worry about competing with whites for a position. This does not, in any way, reduce racial consciousness by setting two tracks for admission to medical school, one for the minorities, and one for the majority. Mr. Dworkin supports the idea that preferential treatment does not violate people's rights. His argument is weak here because he attempts to prove this by saying that if two things do not violate people's rights, then neither does a third. The two things that supposedly do not violate rights are the denial of someone to medical school because of their age and because their test

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Joseph Stalin :: essays research papers

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Son of a poverty-stricken shoemaker, raised in a backward province, Joseph Stalin had only a minimum of education. However, he had a burning faith in the destiny of social revolution and an iron determination to play a prominent role in it. His rise to power was bloody and bold, yet under his leadership, in an unexplainable twenty-nine years, Russia because a highly industrialized nation. Stalin was a despotic ruler who more than any other individual molded the features that characterized the Soviet regime and shaped the direction of Europe after World War II ended in 1945. From a young revolutionist to an absolute master of Soviet Russia, Joseph Stalin cast his shadow over the entire globe through his provocative affair in Domestic and Foreign policy.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Stalin was â€Å"born in Gori, Georgia† as the third and only surviving child of a â€Å"cobbler and ex-serf†(Compton’s 403). His true name was Iosif Vissarionovich Dzhugashvili. â€Å"In 1912 he took the alias of ‘Stalin’, from the Russian word stal, meaning ‘steel†, hence his nickname â€Å"Man of Steel†(Compton’s 402). Stalin began his studies at the seminary as a devout believer in Orthodox Christianity, where he was soon exposed to the radical ideas of fellow students. In 1899, just about the time of graduation, he gave up his religious education and to devote his time to the revolutionary movement against the Russian monarchy. In 1902 Stalin was hunted down and arrested by the imperial police for organizing a large worker’s demonstration. A year later he was sentenced to â€Å"exile in the Russian region of Siberia, but soon managed to escape and was back in Georgia by early 1904†(Arc her 58). When the Russian Social Democratic Party split into Menshevik and Bolshevik factions, Stalin sided with the Bolsheviks, who just happened to be led by Vladimir Lenin. Stalin immediately became a staunch follower of Lenin, studying his every move. He did marry in 1905 but his beloved bride died of tuberculosis two years later. Their son, Yasha, died later in a Nazi Prison camp during World War II. After the Bolshevik’s Civil War victory, Stalin became highly organized and was elected secretary of the Communist Party. â€Å"After Lenin’s death, Stalin gradually isolated and shunned his political rivals, especially Leon Trotsky, and by the end of 1929 Joseph Stalin had succeeded in eliminating his opponents and became the supreme leader of the USSR† (Compton’s 404).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In the late 1920’s, living in Lenin’s shadow, Stalin decided that the New Economic Policy would introduce the Five-Year Plan.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Calaveras Vineyards Essay

The purpose of this analysis is to determine if Goldengate Capital should participate in a $4.5 million management acquisition of Calaveras Vineyards. Located in Alameda Valley, California, Calaveras Vineyards sits on 220 acres, consisting of 175 acres of vineyards, and 45 acres of equipment sheds, a winery building, and a small farmhouse with guestrooms, offices, and sales room. Strategic Analysis SWOT Analysis Financial Analysis Current management of Calaveras, Stout PLC, prepared pro forma financial statements for fiscal years ending 1990, 1991, 1992, and 1993. This information is being used to examine historical data and look for relevant patterns in order to further valuate Calaveras Vineyards. Sales increased from $2.4 million in 1990 to $2.8 million in 1991. In 1992 Calaveras started to produce premium wines with increasing average industry prices. Although sales decreased from 1992 to 1993, cash flow improved immensely. Increasing the average price, and introducing premium wines, allowed Calaveras to gain a higher profit margin. Based on the pro forma historical financial statements, a comparative analysis has been completed to identify Calaveras’ position among other manufacturers of wine and brandy. Calaveras, when compared to other manufacturers industry-wide, may have not have the capability to pay its obligations. The current ratio of 0.4 is less than 1.0, indicating that Calaveras does not have enough current assets to cover their liabilities, to include equity. Although the current ratio is low, this does not mean there is a critical problem. Management should be aware and address quickly to determine what action to take. The assets to sales ratio indicates that Calaveras somewhat efficient in managing its assets in the relation the revenue generated. The higher the number the less investment is needed in order to generate revenue. Calaveras falls somewhere in between the upper and median quartile. They  will need to invest in order to generate more revenue. Calaveras’ is producing a 10% return on sales, above the upper quartile of industry norms. This means the vineyard is growing more efficient and providing growing profits. The return on assets ratio falls between the upper quartile and median quartile of the industry norm, and illustrates how well management is employing the company’s assets. With rate of 4.2% Calaveras is doing better than some of their competitors utilizing assets, but may need to invest to yield a higher rate, which will attract potential partners and lenders. Projections Forecast assumptions were used to project cash flow in the next 5 years. All assumptions are have been analyzed for reasonableness and work to generate a forecasted Income statement and balance sheet. A growth rate of 2% may not be sustainable, but it is conservative and will be used in discounting cash flows. Depending on how Calaveras will utilize free cash flows, capital expenditures may increase, resulting in a decrease in cash flows. However, these expenditures should yield a higher return on sales, and increase cash flows. Valuation Based on the forecasted income statement and balance sheet a discounted cash flow is calculated, using the weighted average cost of capital to discount cash flows.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Management and Organization

Does a strong organizational culture and organizational commitment increase the overall of a firm? Illustrate a real life example to support your arguments. Introduction For choosing this topic for the essay ,It is because organizational culture is the heartbeat of a firm. It determined the way the firm run and the self-value of the founder and the main value of the company ,After reading this essay people can easily under stand the two main element: management practice and innovation and risk taking. And also knowing how the way this two values bring good influence of high performance .The main objectives in the essay is to show people what is the connection between organizational culture,strong organizational culture and commitment of the organization and how they are closely related to the overall performance of a firm. During the essay , theory is there to support the ideas . And to connect the two task we first need to know about organizational culture and the role of it in a co mpany, then we need to understand how does strong culture bring influence to a organizational commitment and how are these three task increase the overall performance of the firm.To present the issues about the organizational culture,strong organizational culture and organizational commitment there is a real -life example explaining that those three factors that could bring good influence to IKEA, a well known global furniture company from Sweden and explain the theory base on the company dynamic. First this essay will examine some background information about the firm, to help readers to understand more detail about how those three factors influence the corporate.Background information of IKEA IKEA was found in 1943 as a mail order company in a small village in the southern part of the Sweden a place called Smaland. . The founder of IKEA is called Ingvar Kampala,and he stared to deliver with a van to the train station, . IKEA has started to use catalogue for selling and provided a place that customer can be use and touch in the 1950s. The company's three main traits were function, quality , and low price.IKEA started to but their goods from the eastern part of the Europe because of the supply problem. In the 1960s, IKEA opened a storehouse in Stockholm for customers to serve them self , IKEA had turned a difficult problems as a special selling way . By now IKEA has develop over 150 shops around the worldKling;Goteman,2003) . Organizational Culture To analyses how strong corporate culture bring the influence to improve the overall performance,Firstly,identifying corporate culture is the first step to start with.Although organizational culture was definite in variety of ways and aspect,many people think that organizational culture is a group of values, beliefs ,ways of working ,principle ,behavior and attitude that share by all of the member and the image of the company. In the other hand,corporate culture should be considered as the correct way that the things to be done and solution of solving the problems in the firm. The culture of the organization also help the managers to make decision by providing better ways to think, feel and take reaction because the culture of the firm is concluded by experience of the elders of the firm.For new employees,culture is the correct way that to react ,so ,culture can continues corporate survival and development. (sun,2008) The function of the organization culture is another key point , first to build up the feelings to people that they are belonging to the firm and personal commitment along the firm, Secondly, creating a competitive edge to enable the members (especially to new members) in the organization to well understand acceptable behavior and social system stability (Sun,2008).Therefore, a excellent company need to have a strong corporate culture which can attract , keeping and prized employees to behave good , achieving goals and performance as a role model for others. And strong culture alwa ys being professionalism and co-operation in the services of common values(Sun,2008). For IKEA, there organizational culture it's a very informal type ,the culture is based on some values that roots in Smalandish or Swedish culture. And things like informality and cost awareness and a â€Å"down to earth earth â€Å"approach.Also letting their employee to be responsible ,during the communicate and training for the new staff there are a few of values and intention held by IKEA that they always mention about. For IKEA, the firm have the thought that organizational culture is a very important part in running a business. It have been focus on our sales, development and also of marketing. (Kling and Goteman,2003). But having a simple culture is not enough and can not fulfill the condition to achieve success, so a Strong organization culture is needed to increase the performance of the firm.Benefit of strong organizational culture Every company are assuming to have a â€Å"Strong Cultu re† , which is always definite as which key value are deeply and widely hold and also bring strong influence among the members of the organization. Culture is a hidden forces that can provides meaning and direction, that is system that can share the meaning, belief and values that can ultimately affect employees behavior, so is much obvious in strong organizational culture.The performance benefit from strong culture are ,Firstly,general consensus and recognition of corporate values and norm help with the social control inside of the firm, people are broadly agree that the specific acts are more appropriate that others , invasion of behavior will be found out much quickly and corrected faster, and the correction may be usually come from the employees come from different department and different hierarchy. Therefore,social control can reduce the cost and much efficiency that the formal control,.Secondly,the strong organizational culture improve the goals alignment with clear org anizational goals and practice, less uncertainty may happen to the employees and they could know how to react with unexpected situations , it also conductive with the coordination, there are less debate chances for different parties in the firm about the best interest. At last , strong organizational culture enhance employees performance and enthusiasm, because they think that they are free to chose what they want(Jesper B. 2002). For IKEA the CEO of the firm that name Anders Dahlvig thinks that â€Å"culture has to have some baring on and support the business idea or very important part of a company ion the senses that the values of the culture really influence the business itself. †Some certain factors need to be much stronger in some of the countries like cost consciousness in China. commitment of the organization Organizational commitment have it's important place ,base on the knowledge f organizational culture we would know that corporate culture shapes people's behavior , and it had also brings big influence in organization, particularly in areas such as performance and commitment. Organizational Commitment is always known as the mentally strength of the attachment between an organizational and the employees, and also refer to the willingness of employee to put their time and energy to their corporate , other than the purely working relationship.According to Lahiry(1994), there was a model that organizational commitment is mixture with three element: affective, continence and nominative commitment that have brings lots of influence. According to Moradi, Hassan and Tohidy Ardahae ,affective commitment is build by three feature, that are belief and accept the organization's goals and value,willing to put effort to achieve the goals and value of the corporate and desire to maintain the membership of the corporate.Continence commitment is that how many the firm need to pay for if the employee leave the firm. Nominative commitment means that employees feelings about bound of remaining the firm. According to Lahiry(1994), â€Å"practitioners should pay special attention that defensive culture patten were found to be positively related to continence commitment. † A high scale of continence commitment may tired up the employee to the firm.In the example of IKEA, the CEO ,Anders Dahvig said that in different countries and market there are different of the values ,national boundaries is not the main attention, It is more about personal , some of the time the difference between one store and another can be even bigger than the store between one country and another, how is the individual managers doing is much more important, because of the different level of the commitment the employee hold, it really influence the culture.Putting attention on culture is to be fair when you are hiring people, you assess and choose a person, then when the operation go on, you will know that a typical of behavior will be prized and it is the way t o streamline . And employee can analyses if the value of the company is suitable for them or not. So the staff who leave are the people that having the organizational commitment . Overall performance For the organizational culture numbers of the research also show that to assume thepresence of a â€Å"strong† culture as a positive influence on orporate performance . According to Han(2012) , an analysis show that the impacts of types of organizational culture affects on corporate performance , showing that family-like clan culture and the entrepreneurial Adhocracy culture had a good influence on the growth of the financial performance. It also show that a strong ,appropriate culture brings effect on the financial performance . The relationship between them are direct, however it always bring effect of strategic orientation.So if the managers put more time and effort a much stronger culture it will improve there performance through increasing interest in culture that employees will like, so the organizational commitment will certainly increase. In IKEA, they allow lots of freedom depending on their employee that who they are and what their specific skills are basing on their core culture value and they had try to connect there culture with their company image, and they also wants the leaders in the IKEA , build up their own style basis on there organizational culture.They also build there selling points base on one of their culture-cost consciousness, they are not the traditional furniture company that had target their customers as middle age people, but on the young families and young people that has low financial foundation and the furniture has to be assemble by yourself. For Organizational commitment, according to Lam (2011), â€Å"that salespeople's dispositional competitiveness relates to their discretionary performance and that affective commitment mediates that relationship†.It had also provided more details evidence that competitive salesp eople commit more emotionally to their corporate when they think their work atmosphere to be more competitive. That study show that affective commitment is another mediator, which helps to clarification why competitive employee are willing to perform discretionary activities behalf of organizations and customers. That findings had show that hiring person that share the same value and goals with the organization is important and affective commitment helps to explain why competitive individuals make good employees.The impact of a competitive personality on affective commitment is always interrelated , it explain that competitive individuals feel emotionally attached to the organizations. In IKEA, there were a lot of co-workers in the company, but there are some turnover of staff that affected in the company, so IKEA need to hire 20,000 new staff into the firm every year , they should get training to met customer basis on the value of the firm, it help the firm to build up their cultur e strongly and connected them the corporate image.They are also selected during the recruitment that share the same value as IKEA, Increasing the organizational commitment ,so the firm can decrease the percentage of turnover and reduce the expense on training new staff , and the loyalty of the employee will improve . The relationship between employee and organization is not purely working relationship. IKEA also give questionnaire to their co-workers of the feeling of the firm , and try to improve the satisfy of their employees. ConclusionFor conclusion , strong organizational culture and organizational commitment have bring improvement to the overall performance of the firm , in management and financial . Strong organizational culture is the organizational culture that had been widely and deeply held by their employees , it help the corporate to improve their financial performance, For IKEA,they allow freedom to their leader to build their own management style basis on the value of their company ,they are also building their core value as there products selling points.Organizational commitment is a mentally strength of the attachment between the employee and the organization, it help the organization to decrease there staff turnover and reduce the expense on training, so strong organizational culture and Organizational commitment has increased the overall of the firm and people can understand much easily basing on the example of IKEA. References Daniel I. Prajogo, Christopher M.McDermott, (2011),†The relationship between multidimensional organizational culture and performance†, International Journal of Operations & Production Management, Vol. 31 Iss: 7 pp. 712 – 735 Han, H. J. (2012). Corporate Culture, Strategic Orientation, and Financial Performance. Cornell Hospitality Quarterly, 53  (3), 207– 219. Hassan, M. & Tohidy Ardahaey, F. (2012). The Role of Emotional Intelligence in  Organizational  Commitment  . social science r esearch network,  . Jesper, B. The Strength of Corporate Culture and the Reliability of Firnn Performance. Massachusetts Institute of Technology Kling, K. & Goteman, I. (2003). IKEA CEO Anders Dahlvig on international growth and IKEA's unique corporate culture and brand identity. Academy o/ Management Executive, 17  (1). Lahiry, S. (1994). organization cultures, research studies Building organizational commitment through Organization culture. training and development, Lam (2011). 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Sunday, September 15, 2019

Dylan and Dickinson : A Comparative View of Death Essay

â€Å"Because I could not stop for Death† and â€Å"Do Not Go Gentle into This Good Night† are poems written by different authors in different time periods.   â€Å"Because I could not stop for Death† is a poem written by Emily Dickinson in which death is personified.   â€Å"Do Not Go Gentle into This Good Night† is   poem written by Dylan Thomas in which confront death and the death of his father is recounted.   Thomas and Dickinson use the same dominant recurring images to explore the archetypal themes of birth, time, and death.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Questioning traditional values and   redefining religion was a common theme throughout the 1900s.   Religion in the past offered reasons for why certain natural things occurred.   Darwin developed his theories on natural selection and the public was educated.   It was no longer God that chooses what happens it is nature (Conlin 782).   In the past death was seen as a normal part of life, and that god is control of who and when death occurs. In â€Å"Do not go gentle into that good night,† Dylan challenges the reader to defy God, and nature and fight against death.   In line 2, Dylan writes â€Å"Old age should burn and rave at the close of the day†.   Dylan means that even people at the end of their life should fight for every breath.   He also writes â€Å"Good men†¦Wild men†¦Grave men† – all mean should wrestle death and keep life in their grasps.   Exploring death as not just God determined event but an event in which each individual can play active role in, is a common theme found throughout the 20th  century in literature, poetry, and public debate.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Dickinson takes a more passive and reflective approach.   Dickinson’s primary intent is not either hope for immortality or the experience of living with the knowledge of death.   Both are traditional interpretations of â€Å"Because Death Could Not Stop for Me,† but certainly not the only two possible ones.   Death is described by Dickinson as an unintelligent betrayer. His â€Å"kindness† and â€Å"civility† and supposed immorality are just illusions to make the narrator and every living person go quietly with death.   Dickinson did not write for an audience.   She was not trying to inspire or educate.   After experiencing the death of several people close to her, Dickinson was grieving, angry, and confused.   The narrator of the poem was not prepared for death.   In line 15 – 16, â€Å"For only gossamer my gown, / My tippet only tulle,† the narrator was not dressed, wearing only underclothes or night gown, when death came for her.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The fragmented society, and deeply painful world events is also reflected in 20th  century literature.   Much of poetry written during this time is considered incoherent or fragmented, and certainly this Dylan Thomas poem is disjointed (Banks, par 8).   While the poem does have a rhyme scheme to each verse much of the text is incomplete or missing words.   The verses are written like sentences but lack the grammar and structure of a true sentence. Also in line 2, Old age should be burn and rave at close of day†, Dylan writes leaving out   the definite article â€Å"the† before close.   Dylan purposely removes or leaves out words.   He does this to forcibly pace the reading of the poetry so that it more closely resembles human thought (Cyr, par 14).   This lack of grammar and traditional forms is a quality found in 1900s literature.   Authors during this time fought against the norms of society and the rules that society placed on everyone.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Modern poets love to shake, shock, and disgust the reader.   They do this to spring the reader the into action, even if that action is to hate the poem and the author.   They want for the audience to feel something, and feel it intensely.   In â€Å"Do not go gentle into that good nightâ€Å", Dylan uses the technique of repetition of a particular line to drill his message into the minds of the audience. â€Å"Rage, rage against the dying of the light (ln 3, 6, 9 12, 19),† write Dylan Thomas to poke at the reader hoping the ensues agitation makes them wonder why, and then how.   The meter of the line reminds the reader of someone knocking against their coffin – knock, knock against the coffin. (Westphal, par 4)   Demanding the audience to grab at their last breath from death.   20th  century authors struggle to motivate society to become active and involved in their lives, even if that motivation comes from fear and anger.  Ã‚   The use of rhythm and repetition can also be seen in Dickinson’s work.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Sad thoughtfulness can be found in stanza 2 and the beginning of stanza 3.   The narrator describes several things while traveling with death – children playing, field of grain, and the sunset.   After passing these things the narrator has a realization and comments â€Å"Or rather, be passed us; â€Å"   It was the narrator and death were actually stilling still and life was moving pass them.   Languor or listlessness can be seen in line 5, â€Å"we slowly drove† and â€Å"he knew no haste.†Ã‚   The narrator also stopped her daily activities because of death, and states â€Å"And I had put away / My labor, and my leisure too.† The tone of repressed terror is created by the following lines : line 3 â€Å"The carriage held but just ourselves†, line 14 â€Å"The dews grew quivering and chill.†Ã‚   Each creates the feeling of emptiness, loneliness, and the bitter cold of literal loss and physical death.   The poem also has a tone of mature resignation.   The narrator is not fighting death.   The narrator is not shocked at his arrival or that trip they take together.   If read in the right way the rhythm is slow and monotone.   The sound of slow horses’ hooves hitting the grove and is almost like death march.   The tone is not sad but calm, reserved, and excepting that death is an inevitable part of existing.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The philosophical issues of life are explored by both Emily Dickinson and Dylan Thomas.   While decades a part in their lives they choose to explore the issues of time, death, and birth in their poetry again and again.   Dickinson’s â€Å"Because I could not stop for Death† breathes life into Death creating a character that is kind in appearance but cruel in action. The emphasis of her poem is death and the feeling of dying saturates the entire prose.   Whereas Thomas chooses to celebrate life and the living in his poem â€Å"Do Not Go Gentle Into This Good Night†Ã‚   It is only the last three lines of the poem that he addresses death at all.   Both author skillfully use the images of the death, dying, and light to convey their own opinions on the archetypal motifs of birth, death, and life. Works Citied Bianchi, Martha Dickinson, and Alfred Leete Hampson, eds. Unpublished Poems of Emily Dickinson. Boston: Little, Brown, 1936. Conlin, Joseph R. The American Past. 7th ed. Belmont: Thomson, 2004. Thomas, Dylan. â€Å"Do not go gentle into that good night.† The Collected Poems of Dylan Thomas. New York: New Directions, 1953: 128. Westphal, Jonathan. â€Å"Thomas’s `Do not go gentle into that goodnight.'† The Explicator 52.2 (1994): 113-15.