Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Analysis and Design of Proposed Accounting System

Submitted by: Camero, Chana Paulene A. Hinoguin, Vanessa Bea P. Pagente, LJ Faith B. Suasin, James P. Submitted to : Miss Marianne Sy, Instructor CISB 32 -B Submitted by: Camero, Chana Paulene A. Hinoguin, Vanessa Bea P. Pagente, LJ Faith B. Suasin, James P. Submitted to : Miss Marianne Sy, Instructor CISB 32 -B SYSTEMS ANALYSIS AND DESIGN Accounting System Proposal SYSTEMS ANALYSIS AND DESIGN Accounting System Proposal SYSTEMS ANALYSIS AND DESIGN: ACCOUNTING SYSTEM PROPOSAL Four Queens Resort History/Nature of the Business Four Queens Resort is a 1,700 sq meter hotel and resort located at National Highway, Tuburan District, Pagadian City, Zamboanga del Sur. The said resort is another†¦show more content†¦| 00915 | 03/15/12 | 01 | CASH SALES Sales_ID | CR_no. | 00916 | 01 | SALES JOURNAL For sales on account Record_no.1 | SJ_no. | Account_no. | SJ_Debit | SJ_Credit | 1 | 01 | 12 | 10,000 | | 2 | 01 | 41 | | 10,000 | CASH RECEIPTS JOURNAL for cash sales Record_no.2 | CR_no. | Account_no. | Cr_debit | Cr_credit | 1 | 01 | 11 | 15,000 | | 2 | 01 | 41 | | 15,000 | EXPENSES (supertype) Expense_ID | Expense_amount | Date_incurred | Exp_type | 00803 | 1,000 | 02/29/12 | Credit | 01005 | 2,000 | 02/30/12 | Cash | EXPENSES PAYABLE Expense_ID | GJ_no. | Date_payable | 00803 | 01 | 03/30/12 | EXPENSE PAID Expense_ID | CD_no. | 01005 | 01 | CASH DISBURSEMENT JOURNAL Record_no.3 | CD_no. | Account_no. | CD_debit | CD_credit | 1 | 01 | 51 | 2,000 | | 2 | 01 | 11 | | 2,000 | 3 | 02 | 55 | 3,000 | | 4 | 02 | 11 | | 3,000 | GENERAL JOURNAL Record_no.4 | GJ_no. | Account_no. | GJ_debit | GJ_credit | 1 | 01 | 51 | 1,000 | | 2 | 01 | 21 | | 1,000 | SUPPLIER Supplier_ID | S_name | Contact_num. | 00111 | James | 09057361589 | 00112 | LJ | 09109009457 | PURCHASES (supertype) Purchase_ID | Purchase_amount | Purchase_date | Purchase_type | Supplier_ID | 00819 | 3,000 | 03/01/12 | Cash | 00111 | 00820 | 5,000 |Show MoreRelatedA Description Of The Core Activities Within The Software Development Process1472 Words   |  6 PagesRequirements 2. 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Monday, December 16, 2019

Acquisition of a Good Education Free Essays

Education is defined as acquiring skills. There are many different ways to be educated and many subjects that can be studied. A good education is one that teaches a student to think. We will write a custom essay sample on Acquisition of a Good Education or any similar topic only for you Order Now This is proven by Edith Hamilton, Malcolm X, and Adrian Rich in their works to define what they believe about learning and its importance to our world. In Edith Hamilton’s essay, The Ever-present Past, she described a good education as one that is modeled after the ancient Greek’s ideas. She defines being educated as being â€Å"able to be caught up into a world of thought† (752). The Greeks were taught to think. They were cultivated on an individual level so that they knew how to conceive ideas on their own. During the times of the ancient Greeks students were shown how to appreciate poetry, music, arts, and mathematics. They carried their education of thought into their government and their ways of life. The era of the ancient Greeks was laid by the teachings of their schools and therefore helped make them into a notable civilization. Today, Hamilton believes that with our set way of teaching we are not encouraging individuals to think. She concludes that we are â€Å"headed towards a standardization of minds† (756). Hamilton believes that we need to challenge our society to shape our educational goals after those of the Greeks. With the problems our world faces we should study how the Greeks triumphed in a savage world and how they were educated to do so. Then maybe we can learn how to prevent the â€Å"standardization of the minds† in our society and avoid repeating the ill-fated history of the ancient Greeks (754). In Malcolm X’s, â€Å"Freedom Through Learning To Read†, a chapter of his autobiography, he describes a good education as being able to understand life. He wrote of how he desired to acquire more knowledge. This inner struggle began when he envied his friend’s intelligence and when he was unable to express himself eloquently in letters. From that point he began to read everything. Malcolm X started by copying a dictionary to learn all the words he could. From there he never spent fifteen minutes free time without a book (48). As he studied the works of Mr. Elijah Muhammad he realized how the history of the black Americans were not included in most books. He searched to find a book to learn the history of the African-Americans and finally found a few that taught him about slavery (49). Malcolm X said that through his domestic education a new world had been opened up to him. He achieved his goal of learning to read and through that obtain what is considered by many a good education. He was able to read, understand, and form ideas and opinions based on what he had read (53). Through reading Malcolm X was capable of expressing his own views and our society benefited greatly from this self-educated man. In Adrienne Rich’s, â€Å"Claiming An Education†, a speech given at Douglass College, she describes a good or serious education as the study of languages, ideas, methods, and values (58). Part of being educated is â€Å"refusing to let others do your thinking, naming, or talking for you†(59). Some of the most important things needed to fulfill intellectual independence are to learn the ways of rationalizing, deep discussions, and writing. Rich writes about how it is our own responsibility to claim an education and how we should not sell ourselves short (59). In order to learn we first need to assess what we hear and read in our courses to form an opinion (57). In order to form an opinion, Rich says that we have to first commit ourselves to our studies and expect others to show us respect. Rich describes an education as a commitment and a responsibility (59). Throughout these essays the main ideas were that to be educated a student has to be an individual and be able to think. There are many arguments over what we should study and how we should be taught. There is no wrong or right way to teach or certain subjects that need to be studied. As long as the students are taught to think for themselves and have the desire to learn, they will be able to obtain a good education. How to cite Acquisition of a Good Education, Papers

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Alexander The Great Shaping A World Essay Example For Students

Alexander The Great: Shaping A World Essay Alexander The Great was born in Macedonia in the year 356 B.C., several hundred years before Christ and even before the rise of Rome. Despite this fact he is still a topic of discussion and study more than two millennium later for a plethora of reasons. His insight and ability on the field of battle has made him a shining example of how to conduct the art of war. He has been studied for centuries by both military journals and colleges. He has also kept the scholars of this world as busy as well. His choices to build cities and centers for learning and the preservation of knowledge such as the library at Alexandria have been able to provide work for generations of archaeologists and other scholars. His image over the years has been one that is almost impossible to describe. He has been cast as tyrant, alcoholic, and Christ figure. It is impossible to explore the later facets of Alexanders life without at least glimpsing the years of his childhood and early adulthood. Born to Phillip II of Macedonia and Olympias, Alexander was heir to the throne of Macedonia. Probably the most important influence in his young life was the tutoring he received from Aristotle and Leonidas starting around the age of thirteen. By Aristotle Alexander was imbued with an incredible background in science, literature, and rhetoric all of which would serve him well in the future. Though they did not always have like minds on subjects of policy it is clear that Alexander always kept his teachers musings in mind. Unfortunately his final reward for his teacher was the execution of Aristotles nephew Callisthenes many years later. Leonidas, was hired by Philip II to train and discipline Alexanders body. He sent Alexander on frequent all night marches and rationed his food. Alexanders schooling with his two teachers continued until he was 16 years old. Alexanders father Phillip, growing quite tired of his wife Olympias antics, chose to marry another woman. The woman he chose was Cleopatra, the niece of one of his commanders Attalus. During the wedding feast Attalus is said to have remarked that perhaps now Phillip would produce a legitimate heir to the throne. The strong spirited Alexander leapt to his feet demanding to know the meaning of this insult. Phillip, Alexanders own father, stood with his sword drawn, prepared to defend his new father-in-laws honor and immediately tripped to the ground. Alexander uttered his own famous taunt then: The man who prepared to leave Europe for Asia could not cross from one chair to the next (Snyder, P.31). Deeply troubled, and no doubt in a great deal of danger, he fled with his mother to her homeland in Epirus. It was this turmoil filled childhood that has made some observers suggest that he may have suffered from possible Oedipus complex (Thomas, P. 860). By 336 Alexander and his father had publicly reconciled their differences. Alexander stood with his father once again. Philip II was assassinated at his daughters wedding feast. The assassin was an aggrieved Macedonian nobleman. Pausanias assassinated Alexanders father in the doorway to a theater. The official verdict on Philips assassination claimed the assassin had been bribed by Darius, the king of the Persian Empire. However, many suspected Alexander and his mother because they had recently fallen from royal favor. No one knows quite why Phillip was murdered, but it was finally declared that Alexander had taken no part in the deed. Pausanias was cut down immediately and legends say his body was crucified although there is no definitive evidence one way or another. At this time Alexander took possession of his fathers throne. At first he was faced with rebellions on every side. He then began to surround himself with loyal friends and completely overhauled the upper echelons of power in Macedonia. .u1329ffe454e04d1750e97442c53a9a85 , .u1329ffe454e04d1750e97442c53a9a85 .postImageUrl , .u1329ffe454e04d1750e97442c53a9a85 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u1329ffe454e04d1750e97442c53a9a85 , .u1329ffe454e04d1750e97442c53a9a85:hover , .u1329ffe454e04d1750e97442c53a9a85:visited , .u1329ffe454e04d1750e97442c53a9a85:active { border:0!important; } .u1329ffe454e04d1750e97442c53a9a85 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u1329ffe454e04d1750e97442c53a9a85 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u1329ffe454e04d1750e97442c53a9a85:active , .u1329ffe454e04d1750e97442c53a9a85:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u1329ffe454e04d1750e97442c53a9a85 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u1329ffe454e04d1750e97442c53a9a85 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u1329ffe454e04d1750e97442c53a9a85 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u1329ffe454e04d1750e97442c53a9a85 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/plugins/intelly-related-posts/assets/images/simple-arrow.png)no-repeat; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u1329ffe454e04d1750e97442c53a9a85:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u1329ffe454e04d1750e97442c53a9a85 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u1329ffe454e04d1750e97442c53a9a85 .u1329ffe454e04d1750e97442c53a9a85-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u1329ffe454e04d1750e97442c53a9a85:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Why is it Justifiable to Describe Essay Before the end of the summer of 336 BC he had reestablished his position in Greece and was elected by a congress of states at Corinth. In 335 BC as general of the Greeks in a campaign against the Persians, originally planned by his father, he carried out a successful campaign against the defecting Thracians, penetrating to the Danube .

Saturday, November 30, 2019

Romantism And Neoclassicism Essays - Romanticism, Romantic Poetry

Romantism And Neoclassicism Throughout history, the arts and literature have been a form of rationalization of the minds and thoughts of an artist or writer. The progression or regression of knowledge over a period of time can be chronicled or mapped with the use of the literature and arts of these artists. More specifically, the major shift in thinking from 18th-century Neoclassicism to 19th-century Romanticism can be seen in the works of Alexander Pope and William Wordsworth. A deliberation on the works of these two authors show the differences, if not complete opposites between the Neoclassic and Romantic concepts. The purpose of a poem can vary from poet to poet, but for the Neoclassic poet the main purpose was to educate the reader. During this time, Newton and other famous intellects were springing forth new ideas. Ideas such as explanations being formed in terms of moving particles. Pope shares this idea with the reader in "An Essay on Man" (stanza2?): "A thousand movements scarce one purpose gain". Pope's manner of writing is very straightforward. He makes firm statements instead of questionable presumptions and he does this as if he is teaching something with a purpose. This Neoclassic quality of teaching is seen in portions of his poem such as, "His knowledge measured to his state and place, his time a moment, and a point his space." (lines71-73) These uses of ideas and teaching in the poem make the poem less pleasurable for the reader to read as it allows no room for imagination and personal reflection. This is likely intentionally done by Pope as it was common in his time to write with a direct purpose rather than to please the reader. The purpose in writing for the Romantic poet is quite different from that of the Neoclassic poet. The Romantic poet wrote to please the reader rather than to educate. This can be seen in Wordsworth's poem "Ode: Intimations of Immortatlity from Recollections of Early Childhood.", especially in his use of language throughout the poem. Language such as, "The Moon doth with delight" (line12) and "Then sing, ye Birds, sing, sing a joyous song!" (Line168) It is this extensive use of vivid language that force the reader to use their imagination and visualize the events or images in the poem. They can then relate to these events or images and in turn become an active participant in reading the poem.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Citibank Organisational Structure Essay Example

Citibank Organisational Structure Essay Example Citibank Organisational Structure Paper Citibank Organisational Structure Paper Citigroups Corporate and Investment Banking provides a comprehensive range of world-class investment and banking services to corporates, governments and institutional investors in more than 100 countries around the world. We have significant operations in the worlds most important financial and investment centres including London, New York, Boston, Frankfurt, Hong Kong, Milan, San Francisco, Singapore, Sydney and Tokyo among many others. In Australia and New Zealand, Citigroup has been an industry leader for over thirty years and today offers the broadest range of financial products, the most in-depth local and global industry expertise and the most comprehensive coverage of the worlds financial markets. We are consistently ranked as the largest underwriter of equity and debt, and in the top tier of providers for MA advice and securities trading. We are a leader in the provision of commercial banking services including cash management, foreign exchange, trade and treasury services. Citigroups unmatched level of products, services, and geographic presence, combined with the worlds largest bank balance sheet, makes us the premier financial organization for corporate and institutional clients in Australia and New Zealand. 10Organizational Structure Chairman CEO Audit Committee* Risk Management and Finance Committee Personnel and Compensation Committee* Nomination and Governance Committee* Public Affairs Committee Citi Holdings Oversight Committee Ad Hoc Committees as necessary* Each member of these Committees must be Independent. â€Å"Quality-Loyalty† Award for the Latin America Operations Center of Excellence On May 24th, the Norwegian Embassy in Mexico City presented the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 9000-27000 â€Å"Quality-Loyalty† award to the Latin America Operations Center of Excellence (COE) group reflecting Banamex’s long term commitment with the ISO strategy. This commitment started ten years ago with a continuous follow up by the people involved in the Banamex Operations group, which eventually evolved into the Latin America COE group created in 2007. The ISO discipline has been embedded into the day to day activities of the Operations group, allowing them to revalidate the ISO certification year after year during this period. Alejandro Villalpando, a member of the Latin America Operations COE group, says they are aiming for a new goal, which is to include secondary processes in the scope of the certification. Other areas that have participated in the ISO certification besides the Latin America COE Operations are Operations Mexico and Latin America Customer Service.

Friday, November 22, 2019

War Hawks and the War of 1812

War Hawks and the War of 1812 The War Hawks were members of Congress who put pressure on President James Madison to declare war against Britain in 1812. The War Hawks tended to be younger congressmen from southern and western  states. Their  desire for war was prompted by expansionist tendencies. Their agenda included adding Canada and Florida to the territory of the United States as well as pushing the frontier further west despite resistance from Native American tribes. Reasons for War The War Hawks cited multiple tensions between the two 19th-century powerhouses as arguments for war. Tensions included violations that the British committed regarding U.S. maritime rights, the effects of the Napoleonic Wars and lingering animosity from the Revolutionary War.   At the same time, the western frontier was feeling pressure from Native Americans, who formed an alliance to stop the encroachment of white settlers. The War Hawks believed that the British were financing the Native Americans in their resistance, which only incentivized them to declare war against Great Britain even more. Henry Clay Although they were young and even called the boys in Congress, the War Hawks gained influence given the leadership and charisma of Henry Clay. In December 1811, the U.S. Congress elected  Henry Clay  of Kentucky as speaker of the house. Clay became a spokesperson for the War Hawks and pushed the agenda of war against Britain. Disagreement in Congress Congressmen mainly from northeastern states disagreed with the War Hawks. They did not want to wage war against Great Britain because they believed their coastal states would bear the physical and economic consequences of an attack by the British fleet more than southern or western states would. War of 1812 Eventually, the War Hawks swayed Congress. President Madison was eventually convinced to go along with the demands of the War Hawks, and the  vote to go to war  with Great Britain passed by a relatively small margin in the U.S. Congress. The War of 1812 lasted from June 1812 to February 1815. The resulting war was costly to the United States. At one point British troops marched on Washington, D.C. and  burned the White House and the Capitol. In the end, the expansionist goals of the War Hawks were not achieved as there were no changes in territorial boundaries. Treaty of Ghent After 3 years of war, the War of 1812 concluded with the Treaty of Ghent. It was signed on December 24, 1814 in Ghent, Belgium. The war was a stalemate, thus the purpose of the treaty was to restore relations to status quo ante bellum. This means that U.S. and Great Britain borders were to be restored to the condition they were in before the War of 1812. All captured lands, prisoners of war and military resources, such as ships, were restored.   Modern Usage The term hawk still persists in American speech today. The word describes someone who is in favor of beginning a war.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Hate groups in US Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Hate groups in US - Essay Example Their primary purpose is to spread malice and enmity and create a source of fear within the society. Hate groups are known to be more prevalent in the United States of America (USA) with a constant rise in the numbers and as per the Southern Poverty Law Centre ( SPLC) , 2011 has shown over 1000 active hate groups (Roy, 2002). The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) and the SPLC are the two main organizations in the USA that monitor hate groups and help maintain law and order. (Roy, 2002) Various reasons and explanations have been put forward by researchers as to why such hate groups exist, the main factors being: economical crisis, antipathy towards the immigrating crowd, political turmoil, change of governments and minor groups not been given equal opportunities. Reasons can be plenty but none justify their existence and the fact that the US government is unable to eradicate such groups. SPLC maintains a list of these groups and supports the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) in their f ight against these radical groups. The hate groups demonstrate their views through speeches, meetings, rallies and criminal acts of violence as well to prove their point (Roy, 2002).

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Love and Sex Relationship Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Love and Sex Relationship - Essay Example Sexual relationship between man and woman before marriage: ethical or not Within the context of love and sex relationship, sexual relationship between man and woman before marriage is unethical because it leads to a number of problems in future life. For instance, one cannot prove that sexual relationships ultimately lead to marriage in future. If a partner is in search of temporary relationship, the other partner is forced to face the consequences. If one considers that marriage is related to sexual purity of the partners, sexual relationship between man and woman before marriage is unethical. If one is not pure, one cannot blame others. Nicotera opined that â€Å"After sharing all that there is to share before marriage, it is believed that young couples get bored with each other soon after marriage because they did not leave anything to imagination or delay any satisfaction† (172). From a different angle of view, sexual relationship before marriage increases the scope of bor edom in future life. On the other side, difference in opinions related to sexual relationship before marriage is deeply influenced by cultural difference. In an underdeveloped society, laws and regulations related to marriage may be strict. In this situation, sexual relationship between man and woman before marriage is unethical. Within the context of developed societies, sexual relationship before marriage is considered as the best possible way for the partners to know each other in a different way. Still, one can indulge in a love affair without sex because it does not force him or her to feel regret. Virginity: important to men or women One can see that virginity is important to men and women because men and women are equal. If one considers that virginity is important to women, one is trying to devalue the status of womenfolk. To be specific, marriage is an agreement between equal partners and virginity is applicable to both the partners. If a man is so cautious about his partne r’s virginity, he must realize the fact that the same is applicable to him also. Klein stated that â€Å"In the case of the Middle East, early marriage appears to be corollary to the emphasis on female virginity; the earlier the marriage, the less likelihood that the girl will lose her virginity before marriage† (60). If an individual is ready to accept marriage as an important agreement or social contract between the partners, virginity is important to both the partners. So, within the context of love and sex relationship, one can see that virginity is important to men and women. On the other side, most males expect that their partners must be cautious about their virginity. But most males are not aware of the fact that their female partners can question their status on virginity. The women folk who are in favor of sexual independence and individual freedom are not in favor of virginity. From a different angle of view, virginity of men and women is a controversial top ic which can be evaluated according to individual difference. Still, virginity should not be considered as the most important aspect of marriage because trust and cohesion between partners is most important. Teenage sex

Saturday, November 16, 2019

E-Contracts and E-Signatures Essay Example for Free

E-Contracts and E-Signatures Essay I. Forming Contracts Online Disputes arising from contracts entered into online concern the terms and assent to those terms. A. Online Offers Terms should be conspicuous and clearly spelled out. On a Web site, this can be done with a link to a separate page that contains the details. The text lists subjects that might be covered, including remedies, dispute settlement, payment, taxes, refund and return policies, disclaimers, and privacy policies. An online offer should also include a mechanism by which an offeree can affirmatively indicate assent (such as an â€Å"I agree† box to click on). 1. Click-On Agreements A click-on agreement occurs when a buyer, completing a transaction on a computer, is required to indicate his or her assent to be bound by the terms of an offer by clicking on a button that says, for example, â€Å"I agree.† The terms may appear on a Web site through which a buyer is obtaining goods or services, or they may appear on a computer screen when software is loaded. 2. Shrink-wrap Agreements A shrink-wrap agreement is an agreement whose terms are expressed inside a box in which computer hardware or software is packaged. In most cases, the agreement is not between a seller and a buyer, but between a manufacturer and the user of the product. The terms generally concern warranties, remedies, and other issues associated with the use of the product. †¢ Courts often enforce shrink-wrap agreements, reasoning that the seller proposed an offer that the buyer accepted after an opportunity to read the terms. Also, it is more practical to enclose the full terms of a sale in a box. †¢ If a court finds that the buyer learned of the shrink-wrap terms after the parties entered into a contract, the court might conclude that those terms were proposals for additional terms, which were not part of the contract unless the buyer expressly agreed to them. 3. Browse-Wrap Terms Browse-wrap terms, which can also occur in an online transaction, do not require a user to assent to the terms before going ahead with the deal. Offerors of these terms generally assert that they are binding without the user’s active consent. Critics argue that a user should at least be required to navigate past the terms before they should be considered binding. II. E-Signatures The text discusses how e-signatures are created and verified, and their legal effect. A. E-Signature Technologies The text discusses three common methods for creating e-signatures. B. State Laws Governing E-Signatures Most states have laws governing e-signatures, although the laws are not uniform. The Uniform Electronic Transactions Act (UETA), issued in 1999 and adopted by most states, was an attempt by the National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws (NCCUSL) to create more uniformity. C. Federal Law on E-Signatures and E-Documents In 2000, Congress enacted the Electronic Signatures in Global and National Commerce Act (E-SIGN Act) to provide that no contract, record, or signature may be â€Å"denied legal effect† solely because it is in an electronic form. Some documents are excluded, most notably documents governed by Articles 3, 4, and 9 of the UCC. III. Partnering Agreements Through a partnering agreement, a seller and a buyer agree in advance on the terms to apply in all transactions subsequently conducted electronically. These terms may include access and identification codes. A partnering agreement, like any contract, can prevent later disputes. IV. The Uniform Electronic Transactions Act The UETA, which is a draft of legislation suggested to the states by the National Conference of Commissioners of Uniform State Laws (NCCUSL) and the American Law Institute (ALI), removes barriers to e-commerce by giving the same legal effect to electronic records and signatures as to paper documents and signatures. A. The Scope and Applicability of the UETA The UETA applies only to e-records and e-signatures relating to a transaction (an interaction between two or more people relating to business, commercial or governmental activities). The UETA does not apply to laws governing wills or testamentary trusts, the UCC (except Articles 2 and 2A), the UCITA, and other laws excluded by the states. B. The Federal E-SIGN Act and the UETA If a state enacts the UETA without modification, the E-SIGN Act does not preempt it. The E-SIGN Act does preempt modified versions of the UETA to the extent that they are inconsistent with the E-SIGN Act. Under the E-SIGN Act, states may enact alternative procedures or requirements for the use or acceptance of e-records or e-signatures if (1) those procedures or requirements are consistent with the E-SIGN Act, (2) the state’s procedures do not give greater legal effect to any specific type of technology, and (3) if the state adopts the alternative after the enactment of the E-SIGN Act, the state law must refer to the E-SIGN Act. C. Highlights of the UETA State versions may vary. 1. The Parties Must Agree to Conduct Transaction Electronically This agreement may be implied by the circumstances and the parties’ conduct (for example, giving out a business card with an e-mail address on it). Consent may also be withdrawn. 2. Parties Can â€Å"Opt Out† Parties can waive or vary any or all of the UETA, but the UETA applies in the absence of an agreement to the contrary. 3. Attribution The effect of an e-record is determined from its context and circumstances. A person’s name is not necessary to give effect to an e-record, but if, for example, a person types her or his name at the bottom of an e-mail purchase order, that typing qualifies as a â€Å"signature† and is attributed to the person. Any relevant evidence can prove that an e-record or e-signature is, or is not, the act of the person. If issues arise relating to agency, authority, forgery, or contract formation, state laws other than the UETA apply. 4. Notarization A document can be notarized by a notary’s e-signature. 5. The Effect of Errors If the parties agree to a security procedure and one party does not detect an error because it did not follow the procedure, the conforming party can avoid the effect of the error [UETA 10]. If the parties do not agree on a security procedure, other state laws determine the effect of the mistake. To avoid the effect of an error, a party must (1) promptly notify the other of the error and of his or her intent not to be bound by it and (2) take reasonable steps to return any benefit or consideration received. If restitution cannot be made, the transaction may be unavoidable. 6. Timing An e-record is sent when it is properly directed from the sender’s place of business to the intended recipient in a form readable by the recipient’s computer at the recipient’s place of business that has the closest relation to the transaction (or either party’s residence, if there is no place of business). Once an e-record leaves the sender’s control or comes under the recipient’s control, it is sent. An e-record is received when it enters the recipient’s processing system in a readable form—even if no person is aware of its receipt.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

The Nature of Bryants Poems :: Biography Biographies Essays

The "Nature" of Bryant's Poems Most of the poems in our anthology are ruminative poems about the nature of nature and the nature of life. The key word within his works is simply "nature". He uses works of nature to express his works of art. He meticulously chose objects to which everyone could relate, transforming them into ideas and expressions of his mission. This expression is evident throughout the poetry. "Thanatopsis" revolves around the issues of life and death, using nature as their common ground to describe the overall message. "The all-beholding sun shall see no more in all his course; nor yet in the cold ground, where they pale form was laid, with many tears, nor embrace of ocean, shall exist they image" ( Bryant 2673 ). He vividly paints the picture of oneà ­s death and thus a lack of life. He goes on to depict the earth and her surroundings as manà ­s eternal tomb, expressing all that will be left behind when man leaves this world. "The vulnerable woods - rivers that move in majesty, and the complaining brooks that make the meadows green; and, poured round all, Old Oceanà ­s gray and melancholy waste, - are but the solemn decorations all of the great tomb of man" ( Bryant 2673 ). He continually demonstrates this behavior throughout the rest of the piece, solidifying his intricate pattern towards nature. Bryantà ­s love of nature is overtly expressed within "The Yellow Violet". He paints the picture of a peaceful Spring day, describing the flower and its place within the structure of the season. I found it interesting how he alluded to the "April showers bring May flowers" beginning with line 21 by saying "Oft, in the sunless April day, they early smile has stayed my walk; but midst the gorgeous blooms of May, I passed the on they humble stalk" ( Bryant 2675 ). However, I did feel as if he could have written this about his love of a relationship, not just his love for nature. What do you think? "The Prairies" focuses on his personal look at nature, through his eyes. This piece gives one a first-hand look at Bryanà ­s compassion for all things, great and small. He takes the reader on a journey, looking at individual pieces existing in nature, and taking note of their importance and placement in life.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Deception Point Page 102

â€Å"Hello,† Sexton's outbound message crackled. â€Å"This is the office of Senator Sedgewick Sexton. If you are trying to send a fax, you may transmit at any time. If not, you may leave a message at the tone.† Before Sexton could pick up, the machine beeped. â€Å"Senator Sexton?† The man's voice had a lucid rawness to it. â€Å"This is William Pickering, director of the National Reconnaissance Office. You're probably not in the office at this hour, but I need to speak immediately.† He paused as if waiting for someone to pick up. Gabrielle reached to pick up the receiver. Sexton grabbed her hand and violently yanked it away. Gabrielle looked stunned. â€Å"But that's the director of-â€Å" â€Å"Senator,† Pickering continued, sounding almost relieved that no one had picked up. â€Å"I'm afraid I am calling with some very troubling news. I've just received word that your daughter Rachel is in extreme danger. I have a team trying to help her as we speak. I cannot talk in detail about the situation on the phone, but I was just informed she may have faxed you some data relating to the NASA meteorite. I have not seen the data, nor do I know what it is, but the people threatening your daughter have just warned me that if you or anyone goes public with the information, your daughter will die. I'm sorry to be so blunt, sir; I do it for clarity's sake. Your daughter's life is being threatened. If she has indeed faxed you something, do not share it with anyone. Not yet. Your daughter's life depends on it. Stay where you are. I will be there shortly.† He paused. â€Å"With luck, senator, all of this will be resolved by the time you wake up. If, by chance, you get t his message before I arrive at your office, stay where you are and call no one. I am doing everything in my power to get your daughter back safely.† Pickering hung up. Gabrielle was trembling. â€Å"Rachel is a hostage?† Sexton sensed that even in her disillusionment with him, Gabrielle felt a pained empathy to think of a bright young woman in danger. Oddly, Sexton was having trouble mustering the same emotions. Most of him felt like a child who had just been given his most wanted Christmas present, and he refused to let anyone yank it out of his hands. Pickering wants me to be quiet about this? He stood a moment, trying to decide what all of this meant. In a cold, calculating side of his mind, Sexton felt the machinery beginning to turn-a political computer, playing out every scenario and evaluating each outcome. He glanced at the stack of faxes in his hands and began to sense the raw power of the images. This NASA meteorite had shattered his dream of the presidency. But it was all a lie. A construct. Now, those who did this would pay. The meteorite that his enemies had created to destroy him would now make him powerful beyond anyone's wildest imagination. His daughter had seen to that. There is only one acceptable outcome, he knew. Only one course of action for a true leader to take. Feeling hypnotized by the shining images of his own resurrection, Sexton was drifting through a fog as he crossed the room. He went to his copy machine and turned it on, preparing to copy the papers Rachel had faxed him. â€Å"What are you doing?† Gabrielle demanded, sounding bewildered. â€Å"They won't kill Rachel,† Sexton declared. Even if something went wrong, Sexton knew losing his daughter to the enemy would only make him more powerful still. Either way he would win. Acceptable risk. â€Å"Who are those copies for?† Gabrielle demanded. â€Å"William Pickering said not to tell anyone!† Sexton turned from the machine and looked at Gabrielle, amazed by how unattractive he suddenly found her. In that instant, Senator Sexton was an island. Untouchable. Everything he needed to accomplish his dreams was now in his hands. Nothing could stop him now. Not claims of bribery. Not rumors of sex. Nothing. â€Å"Go home, Gabrielle. I have no more use for you.† 125 It's over, Rachel thought. She and Tolland sat side by side on the deck staring up into the barrel of the Delta soldier's machine gun. Unfortunately, Pickering now knew where Rachel had sent the fax. The office of Senator Sedgewick Sexton. Rachel doubted her father would ever receive the phone message Pickering had just left him. Pickering could probably get to Sexton's office well before anyone else this morning. If Pickering could get in, quietly remove the fax, and delete the phone message before Sexton arrived, there would be no need to harm the senator. William Pickering was probably one of the few people in Washington who could finagle entry to a U.S. senator's office with no fanfare. Rachel was always amazed at what could be accomplished â€Å"in the name of national security.† Of course if that fails, Rachel thought, Pickering could just fly by and send a Hellfire missile through the window and blow up the fax machine. Something told her this would not be necessary. Sitting close to Tolland now, Rachel was surprised to feel his hand gently slip into hers. His touch had a tender strength, and their fingers intertwined so naturally that Rachel felt like they'd done this for a lifetime. All she wanted right now was to lie in his arms, sheltered from the oppressive roar of the night sea spiraling around them. Never, she realized. It was not to be. Michael Tolland felt like a man who had found hope on the way to the gallows. Life is mocking me. For years since Celia's death, Tolland had endured nights when he'd wanted to die, hours of pain and loneliness that seemed only escapable by ending it all. And yet he had chosen life, telling himself he could make it alone. Today, for the first time, Tolland had begun to understand what his friends had been telling him all along. Mike, you don't have to make it alone. You'll find another love. Rachel's hand in his made this irony that much harder to swallow. Fate had cruel timing. He felt as if layers of armor were crumbling away from his heart. For an instant, on the tired decks of the Goya, Tolland sensed Celia's ghost looking over him as she often did. Her voice was in the rushing water†¦ speaking the last words she'd spoken to him in life. â€Å"You're a survivor,† her voice whispered. â€Å"Promise me you'll find another love.† â€Å"I'll never want another,† Tolland had told her. Celia's smile was filled with wisdom. â€Å"You'll have to learn.† Now, on the deck of the Goya, Tolland realized, he was learning. A deep emotion welled suddenly in his soul. He realized it was happiness. And with it came an overpowering will to live. Pickering felt oddly detached as he moved toward the two prisoners. He stopped in front of Rachel, vaguely surprised that this was not harder for him. â€Å"Sometimes,† he said, â€Å"circumstances raise impossible decisions.† Rachel's eyes were unyielding. â€Å"You created these circumstances.† â€Å"War involves casualties,† Pickering said, his voice firmer now. Ask Diana Pickering, or any of those who die every year defending this nation. â€Å"You of all people should understand that, Rachel.† His eyes focused in on her. â€Å"Iactura paucourm serva multos.† He could see she recognized the words-almost a cliche in national security circles. Sacrifice the few to save the many. Rachel eyed him with obvious disgust. â€Å"And now Michael and I have become part of your few?† Pickering considered it. There was no other way. He turned to Delta-One. â€Å"Release your partner and end this.† Delta-One nodded. Pickering took a long last look at Rachel and then strode to the ship's nearby portside railing, staring out at the sea racing by. This was something he preferred not to watch. Delta-One felt empowered as he gripped his weapon and glanced over at his partner dangling in the clamps. All that remained was to close the trapdoors beneath Delta-Two's feet, free him from the clamps, and eliminate Rachel Sexton and Michael Tolland.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

The Reflection Of Continued Professional Development

This study provides a consisting critical contemplation of my learning advancement. I will discourse the subjects that I found interesting during the bringing of Research in IT faculty and which i logged during my surveies. This study is split into subdivisions which will supply an penetration into assorted subjects including the cardinal theoretical, conceptual and applied larning points that I have researched. It will depict, explicate and analyze how and where my acquisition has taken topographic point and will besides bespeak any events of significance that influenced my acquisition in general and in research methods and information engineering in peculiar I will besides advert the Learning Outcomes and explicate how my acquisition relates to this. I will reflection on my old apprehension and current and explicate what I am able to make better now? What new rules have I understood? What new competencies have I acquired? What inquiries remain? What would I make following clip? What surprised me? Who and what helped?Weekly log for RIT faculty and acquisition resultsBelow is a tabular array of my hebdomadal log that I have learnt during my faculty Lecture. The subjects that interested me are outlined in the tabular array below under â€Å" Important subjects † . The acquisition results are besides mentioned in the 3rd column. Lectureture and Date Important subjects Learning Results 1st Lecture ( day of the month 28.05.2010 ) 1.1How to pull off clip? Schedule an effectual survey program 2nd Lecture ( day of the month 03.06.2010 ) 1.2 How to make work with a squad? What is peer appraisal? Work efficaciously as a portion of squad. Critically appraise the quality of a assortment of given beginning. 3rd Lecture ( Date 10.06.2010 ) 1.3 What is academic research? What is benefit in research? We define clear research aims. 4th Lecture ( Date 17.06.2010 ) 1.4 What is beginning of literature reappraisal? Critically measure the quality of assortment of given literature beginning. fifth Lecture ( Date 24.06.2010 ) 1.5 Conducting the hunt? And What is literature reappraisal? Critically measure the research of literature study. 6th Lecture ( Date 07.07.2010 ) 1.6 What is Research position? What is Socio proficient attack? Argue the instance for a socio proficient attack to analyzing Information System. 7th Lecture ( Date 14.07.2010 ) 1.7 What is unfastened system? I learn about work centred analysis and soft system methodological analysis. 8th Lecture ( Date 21.07.2010 ) 1.8 What is supply concatenation direction? What is client relationship direction? Demonstrate an ability to choose a suited subject for probe appreciates its relationship. 9th Lecture ( Date 28.07.2010 ) 1.9 10 Lecture ( Date 05.08.2010 )1.1 How to pull off clip?In first Lecture I learnt about managing clip and it is really of import in our every twenty-four hours life. There are 24 hours in a twenty-four hours 7 yearss in a Lecture so all this clip how I manage this is called managing clip. Pull offing clip has three phases: ( REFERENCE ) Decide what you want to make Analyse what you are making Bettering the manner you do things Covering with the unexpected As an single I can make up one's mind how I best usage of my clip. From the reasech I have gathered I have devised my ain scheme to pull off clip below: A ) Fix a calendar/ Prepare a Lecture schedule/ Prepare a day-to-day organiser. B ) C ).1.2 How to make squad works? And what is team appraisal?In 2nd talk I learnt about the squad work which is really indispensable for our every twenty-four hours life. Team work: A squad is a group of persons working together to accomplish a common end. From the predating it follows tat squad work is a procedure where by a little figure of people normally 3-10 with complementary accomplishments become committed to a common intent and a range understanding on an specific marks. The all squad members ever maintaining in touch with the identify and unity of Numberss, ( Serrat, 2009 ) . I besides learnt about Peer appraisal. An advanced signifier of appraisal what pupils are involved in the appraisal of other pupils. I besides learnt rules of giving feedback. hypertext transfer protocol: //www.ied.edu.hk/apfslt/v5_issue2/sowm/figure4.jpgFigure 1. There is a chart shown holla which indicates the relationship of the of import qualities of the meaningful appraisal. ( Mui So, 2004 ) .1.3 What is research? How to make a research? and benifit of research? In 3rd Lecture I learnt that about research.Research: Includes any assemblage of informations, information facts for the promotion of cognition is called research. Mention? The Oxford Encyclopaedic Dictionary define research: The systematic probe into the survey of stuffs, beginnings etc in order to set up facts and new decisions. The Higher Education Funding Council For England defined research as original probe under taken in order standing. Three cardinal footings in this definition are deserving exploring- Original Addition cognition From the above definition I think research benefit is – Learning a subject in deepness Ability to work and Think independently In this Lecture I besides learnt research cogency, Research procedure and Research theoretical account besides.1.4 What is the beginning of litateture reappraisal?In 4th Lecture I learnt about literature reappraisal and seeking the literature Literature Reappraisal: This is relevant of description of the literature to a peculiar field in a subject. It gives an overview of what has been said, who the key written are, what are the prevalent theories and hypotheses. Ib nexus. There are two beginnings of litareture which are primary and secondary ( mention ) Primary beginning of litareture are: Reports Thesiss Electronic mails -Conference studies -Some Government Publication -Unpublished manuscript beginnings Secondary literature beginning are -Newspapers -textbooks -Journals -Internet -Some authorities Publication. So from all this beginnings I can happen our literature reappraisal. Aktar, M ( 2010 )1.5 Conducting the hunt? And what is literature reappraisalIn the fifth Lecture I learnt about carry oning hunt and this means†¦ †¦ Conducting the hunt: Restrict the extent of our hunt harmonizing the clip available. In carry oning the hunt I learnt about the cyberspace hunt engines are ( RIT talk? ? ? ) : -Google -Alta view -Ask Jeeves -A11 4 one meta hunt engines -Serious ( medical information ) -BUBL nexus I besides learnt about the pull offing the litaterure Reappraisal: Citation Relevance tree: It is a method for visually mapping the connexion betIen commendation. In each paper or article published by an writer. They will mention other paper and articles written by other writer or themselves and those paper will likewise cite others. As the connexion construct the authoritative nbrancing tree form is formed. I cab build commendation trees by utilizing a commendation index which is identifies how many times a peculiar articles has been cited and by whom. ( From Ib nexus ) From that Lectureture I besides learnt elements of good reappraisal and besides what is composing reappraisal when I write a literature reappraisal I need to care full about some points so our composing literature should be right. So I need to larn about this.6.1 What is Research position? What is Socio proficient attack?6th Lecture: Research Perspectives is really of import subject for research information engineering in 6th Lecture I learnt about research position. Research position: Approachs to and concluding behind, information systems reach become evident when vieId from five positions by moushowitz ( 1981 ) -Technism -Elitism -progress individuality -Pluralism -Radical unfavorable judgment ( From Lectureture notes ) I besides learnt about the Socio Techional Approach Socio proficient attack: -A combination of proficient system constituents and societal system constituents. -Provide counsel on what a better system is and how to accomplish it. -Socio proficient attack works betIen people and engineering. So the socio proficient attack is at that place for able to supply counsel on what a better system is and how to accomplish it. Aktar M ( 2010 )7.1 What is unfastened system? I learn about work centred analysis and soft system methodological analysisseventh Lecture: This Lecture I learnt about the Open system, what is the value of concatenation, what is concern procedure, Work centred analysis Soft Systems Methodology. Open system: An unfastened system is an province of a system in which it continuously interacts with its environment. Open systems contrast with closed systems, a system that is isolated from its environing environment. ( Lectureture notes )1.8 What is supply concatenation direction? What is client relationship direction?In lecture eight I learnt about average client relation direction and supply concatenation direction..Supply concatenation direction: SCM is an Lecture etronic option to the traditional paper concatenation supplying companies with a smarter faster more efficient manner to acquire the right client at the right clip. Example: Dell Company Customer relationship direction: CRM is the conservative and Lecturetive probe of prehistoric and historic remains includes Torahs and patterns deigned to protect present and past civilization resources. Example: Sainsbury, Tesco.ContemplationIn RIT faculty we learn tonss of subjects which related our I will besides advert the Learning Outcomes and explicate how my acquisition relates to this. I will reflection on my old apprehension and current and explicate what I am able to make better now? What new rules have I understood? What new competencies have I acquired? What inquiries remain? What would I make following clip? What surprised me? Who and what helped? Decision: Already the above treatment It is clear that, from this faculty I learn tonss of of import subjects which subjects helps us now and it will besides assist us in our future life. In research Information Technology faculty I have covered alot of subjects which Ire new and which will back up me throughout my surveies. From this faculty I learn how to do a log book and after completing every Lectureture I write our log book so all Lectureture sum-up I have in our log book so easy this log book help us in our assignment and this is besides a grounds this helps in our future life. In our Research Information Technology faculty category our Lectureture learn us about all land regulations for illustration in category clip do n't speak each other, do non eat nutrient or drinks in a category room, exchange our nomadic phone so from this category I all are know about the land regulations and now I all maintain this regulations and this is really of import for a pupil. From this facult y I besides learn how to make group work and what is peer appraisal so This can assist me in my future life when I join for a work so I all plants successfully with my co-workers.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Election of a President essays

Election of a President essays The process by which the United States follows according to the election of the commander in chief the president, is systematically implemented according to an official infrastructure of dynamics that are dictated by an array of sub-systems that are essentially of the people and by the people. These systems have constantly undergone growth and innovation as pertinent to the deployment of the amended laws and procedures that conform to the progression of the U.S. Government. Through the course of the ever-developing election process, every aspect of the electoral standards has proven circumstantial as basis for the current economical factors that have outlaid each election period. Through the history of the presidential elections, several oppositional sides, though both as mainframes encircling a democracy government; were developed into the constructs of separate parties with separate primaries that represent each sect. Often, through history the simple division has deployed according to two sides the democratic and republican parties. As the progression of the election processes developed, each of these political parties branched out within themselves to form separate components of each side, which are and have been structurally instituted by the varying political positions and opinions that create their divisions. Each of these sects and their oppositions produce a delegate that reflects the political opinions and agendas of those parties. Among these separate wings of the government makeup, the definitive attributions that discern the parties have varied in electoral systems of primaries and caucuses. The primary electoral system inherently display s the nepotism of specific states. Through the history of this system of determination and hopeful influence, the Electoral College system developed just as significantly. The Electoral College was developed to expend the votes of high populous areas that a...

Monday, November 4, 2019

Participants in Policy Process Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Participants in Policy Process - Essay Example (Dye, 2001, p. 4 to 7) In this context, the participants in the public policy process may be segregated into two categories. The first are the official participants comprising of government officials, authorities as well as political players. On the other hand are the non governmental or unofficial participants who come in the form of social workers, individuals lobbying for the interests of certain pressure groups, and even the average citizen. In the course of this paper we will try and differentiate between these two groups of participants in the policy process. To do so, we will start by delving into the various aspects of the policy process. When embodied in a person's life as a profession, the policy process becomes a matter of drawing on statistical information and basing decisions on various kinds of analysis before arriving at the factors that will influence the elements to be included in a certain policy. Considering the fact that this will greatly influence a normal citizen's life in various ways, the policy maker has to be doubly sure of the facts as he is responsible for a lot of people.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

How effective was Khrushchevs religious policy Essay

How effective was Khrushchevs religious policy - Essay Example x Church that offered support for the war effort; in return Stalin â€Å"promised them a new deal involving the return of some churches and other institutions, a limited right of publication, and the freeing of such religious personnel as had survived the terror of the 1930s and earlier† (Anderson 1994, p. 8). Consequently, the number of registered religious communities increased considerably after the war and within no time the influence of the church posed a great threat to the state’s autonomy. It was at this juncture that a full-scale persecution of religion began in the nation under the leadership of Khrushchev who became the undisputed leader of the party and government after Malenkov retired in 1959 (Pospielovsky 1998, p. 313). This paper seeks to make a probe into the religious policy of Khrushchev and how far his policies have been effective in attaining their goals. Khrushchev adorns the place of a radical reformer and liberalist in the history of Soviet Union; despite his anti-religious policies one can never undermine his initiatives to bring about a ‘considerable degree of liberalization in many other areas of Soviet life’ and there are many who think that his assault on religion stemmed from a ‘personal commitment to the building of a communist society within the foreseeable future’ (Anderson 1994, p. 7). For Chumachenko & Roslof (2002, p. 148), Khrushchev was in a way distancing himself from church problems until the end of the 1950s and that â€Å"issues of church policy originally did not have any fixed place in his grandiose plans for reconstructing and altering Soviet society†. However, Khrushchev later turned vehemently against the Russian church as he believed that the disappearance of religion was an essential prerequisite for the creation of a total communist society. As a liberalist, Khrushchev des cribed himself as an atheist and an advocate of the scientific world view; he held that â€Å"education, scientific knowledge and the study

Thursday, October 31, 2019

English - The Corporation book - Key concepts Assignment

English - The Corporation book - Key concepts - Assignment Example results that may be partly explained, according to one study, by the "implicit endorsement of these products by the schools, that is, by permitting them to be advertised in school."" Corporations become involved with schools for the same reason they do everything else-to promote their own and their owners financial interests. "If theres a cardinal rule in preparing sponsored material, "states Ed Swanson of Modern Talking Pictures (an educational marketing company), "it is that it must serve the needs of the communicator first." "The kids were reaching are consumers in training† (Bakan, page 129). Influence is the power to affect someone’s belief that is will lead to a physical change. The two quotes above offer a classical example of the importance of social influence on business. The television set is a major contributor to the influence gained in order to make a business boom. Measuring influence, from a media perspective, is continuously gaining momentum up to date. For example, Mc Donald’s makes it a necessity for children to eat their burgers at this place, so they nag their parents to take them there. The adverts on the television target the children which in turn force their parents to purchase what the child wants. These commercials seem to be grooming consumers for the future. Social influence is a critical element when it comes to success of a business. It tends to persuade the consumer that the product on sale is the best. It helps to fosters consumer- related attitudes at a tender age. Co operations act as the influencers as they are the ones with the knowledge and ideas that will impact how people respond to the commercial. Each commercial is targeted for a definite customer mix, either directly or

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

FIN501 - Strategic Corporate Finance Mod 3 SLP Essay

FIN501 - Strategic Corporate Finance Mod 3 SLP - Essay Example But we might wonder what determines the rate of return that a shareholder would want on a particular stock? It would depend for one thing on the price of the stock (highs, lows and average) and the historical trend of dividend payouts that has been made in recent years. Though every stockholder would have his personal thoughts and opinions on this, we can be sure that it would be higher than the risk free rate- the rate on US Government bonds maturing in one year and guaranteed by the Government. It would also depend on the Beta coefficient for that particular stock. In fact a good estimate of the rate of return expected by a stockholder in relation to a particular stock would be given by the Capital Asset Pricing Model formula which goes as follows: Rj - RF = ÃŽ ²j [RM - RF]. By using this model, we can estimate the cost of equity or the rate of return that our companys shareholders require. Every financial manager must be aware of this because it will help to determine whether a particular course of action by the company will or will not add value to the shareholders. This is the minimum rate of return and may be regarded as the cost of equity. Given that the average cost of capital for a firm in the S&P 500 is 10.2 percent, I would have expected the Coca Cola Company to have a lower cost of capital than the average firm. This is because the Coca Cola Company is a good stock with consistency in performance and price. The price fluctuation for Coca Cola stock has not been too much, with a current price of $67.46, a low of $61.29 and a high of $71.77 in the last 12 months (Yahoo Finance, 2012). Now I will compare the Beta and compute the Required Rate of Return using the CAPM for Dr. Pepper and the Pepsi Corporation, two competing firms of the Coca Cola Corporation and in the same industry sector. For Dr. Pepper the Beta is 0.74 and for Pepsi Corporation, the Beta is 0.42 (Yahoo Finance, 2012). The required rates

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Concept Of Marketing Environment Commerce Essay

Concept Of Marketing Environment Commerce Essay This module gives an introduction to Business environment in which the firm operates. It includes understanding different environments like the Macro environment, micro environment and internal environment. Thorough understandings of these concepts are important for understanding the opportunities, threats, finding weaknesses of the organization as well as its strengths. This knowledge helps the firms to fore plan and makes effective decisions. Introduction to Marketing Strategy Introduction This lesson introduces the role and importance of Marketing Strategy to an organization. When you have finished this lesson you should be able to: Explain the concept of marketing environment Identify the macro environmental factors that affect the organizational policies. Identify the micro environmental factors that affect the organizational policies. Identify the internal environmental factors. Explain SWOT analysis Concept of Marketing Environment The market environment refers to the environment that the business operates in, which includes factors and forces that affect the firms policies and strategies. There are two levels of market environment. Internal and external environment, the external environment can be further divided into Macro and Micro environment. (For reference only) External Environment: The external environment consists of macro and micro environments. Macro environment: The macro environment consists of much larger and broader influences (which impact the micro environment), such as : Demographic environment Economic environment Natural environment Technological environment Culture political environment Micro Environment: The micro environment is made of individuals and organizations associated with the company and would directly impact the decisions of the company. It consists of : Company itself Suppliers Marketing Intermediaries customers Competition Public Internal Environment: Internal environment consists of elements within the organization such as: Employees Management Company policies Organizational culture Organizational structure Company image Experience and expertise Operational efficiency Operational capacity Brand awareness Market share Financial capacity Patents and trade secrets Exclusive contracts For an organization to analyse the overall environment in which it operates, environmental scanning becomes necessary. Environmental scanning is a process of monitoring, evaluating, and transmitting of information from the external and internal environment to concerned people within the organization. (Kazmi, 2008).Environmental scanning would help gather, analyse, and transmit information for strategic purposes. Environmental scanning is carried out by organizations to find out its competencies, weaknesses as well as the opportunities and threats existing in the environment, which is termed as the SWOT Analysis SWOT Analysis: The analysis of the environment in which business operates is referred to as a SWOT analysis. The SWOT analysis aids to find information helpful in matching the firms competencies to the competitive environments. It has a major role in strategy formulation. Internal environmental scanning of the firm helps the firm find its: Strengths (S) Weaknesses (W) External environment scanning can help firms find: Opportunities (O) Threats (T) Environmental scanning is important for every organization due to the following reasons: The environment in which a firm operates is dynamic in nature, scanning becomes necessary to keep track of the changes happening in it. An environmental scan reveals the elements that constitute threats and opportunities available to the firms. It also helps keep the firm informed about competitors activities so that appropriate strategies can be developed on that basis. It is an important tool which gives necessary resource for formulation of marketing strategies. (for reference only) As already discussed the external environment can be categorised into Macro and Micro environment. Example: SWOT Analysis of Walmart Strengths Walmart has become the largest retailer in the US, and perhaps the world. Its huge buying volumes and negotiating style keeps its cost low, which allows them to keep their prices low. People will travel a pretty long distance to shop there. It has invested heavily in software technology to keep tight controls on its operations. Weaknesses Small local businesses often cant compete with Walmart, and go out of business, which often alienates the small local business community. Walmart has been sued for unfair labor practices as well. These and other issues tarnish Walmarts image, especially for those who are directly impacted. Opportunities Growing markets outside the US offers a great opportunity to continue its growth. Threats Being number one in its market, some of Walmarts proven strategies are being imitated, to various degrees, by other large retailers. This will likely make the market for the big box retailers more competitive over time. (Source: http://www.businesstune-ups.com/swot-analysis-examples.html) Resource Case study for SWOT analysis for TESCO Plc, UK- for Student reference -http://www.oxbridgewriters.com/essays/management/tesco-swot-analysis.php Macro environmental Analysis Macro environmental analysis scans the macro factors that influence the organization. The macro environmental analysis is also termed as Pest analysis PESTLE Analysis: PEST stands for Political, Economic, Social-cultural, Technological, Legal Environmental analysis. It is composes of the macro-environmental factors used in the environmental scanning for developing strategic management. It is a critical strategic technique used for understanding market growth or decline, business position, potential and direction for the organizations operations. Composition of the macro environment is as follows: (for reference only) There is certain additional factor other than PESTLE, which are included in the macro environment such as demographic environment. Demographic Environment: Demographic environment consists of the following elements which has a huge impact on the organizations operations: Population growth worldwide: The huge population growth that is seen over the few decades has been an area of concern; the population growth has led to exhaustion of scarce world resources such as fuel, food and natural resources. The other reason for concern is that the population growth is seen generally in those countries which are the lesser developed countries or as called the low income countries who cannot afford to support this kind of population growth. High population growth can have significant implications on the business. Population growth is beneficial for businesses only where this kind of growth is backed with the purchasing power. For example: India and China Both these countries have high population growth and are the countries having the highest population in the world. Whereas Chinese government has a strict one child policy, which has led to a decrease in their population, in India no such policy exists. The one child policy in china has led to one child in a family, which has led to excessive pampering of these children by their family members. Here we can see that even with a high population the purchasing power is high. As the children in china are pampered with toys and other childrens products, the toy stores and other kids related products manufactures find a lot of potential in entering the Chinese market to capitalise on the existing opportunity. Whereas in India the increase in population has not seen an increase in the overall purchasing power of the economy, hence the potential for such type of goods is less. Population Age groups Different countries have different composition of age groups. Population age groups can be sub-divided into Pre-school School going children Teenagers Young adults 25 to 40 Middle aged 40 to 65 Elderly 65 and above The composition of age group of the society determines the kind of products that would dominate the production and market. For example a country has an aging population would have demand for products that would be required for middle aged and elderly population, where as a country with a young population will have potential for children products and products for youngsters. Multi-culture market: The business policies and strategies would be different for different cultural and ethnic groups existing in the society. Education based groups The different kinds of education groups that exist will again determine what kind of products would be demanded in the market. Consumption patterns Household and consumption patterns differ in different societies. Migration and mobility of population Migration of population from one region to another has led to a multi-cultural environment. Where in some countries you can see a mix of different nationals and in others you will find only natives. The business policies and strategies will vary accordingly. All these factors have led to a fragmentation of the market. Businesses have now started to concentrate on smaller markets than mass markets on the basis of these differentiations in population. Economic environment Economic factors would be economic growth, interest rates, exchange rates, distribution of wealth and income and inflation rate. These factors have major impacts on how businesses operate and make decisions. Distribution of wealth and income: The distribution of wealth in the society also determines the consumption pattern of that society. Countries where there is equal distribution of income the consumption level and standard of living of people will be higher. Countries where distribution of income is unequal, the standard of living will be low. The type of products demanded in these societies would also differ. Where the standard of living is high, more of luxury and comfort goods will be demanded. Financial policies: Financial policies also have a huge impact on the consumption pattern of the consumers. Availability of good credit facilities and a well set up credit system leads to a higher consumption level. Natural environment The natural resources which are scarce in nature, needs to be conserved, industries have to be careful how these resources are used. New substitutes for these scarce resources need to be found so that they are sustained. There has been an increase in fuel costs and energy which is used for production. The firm has to keep a close watch on how the energy prices would have effect on its profits. Another cause of concern is the pollution that industrial activities have brought about. The global warming that has become a major global concern. Companies who take this as an opportunity by opting in for pollution control programs such as recycling would be ones who benefit. There are also several governmental regulations on environmental control which needs to be adhered to by every organization. Organizations need to support the governmental effort rather than opposing it. Technological environment Technological factors include technological aspects such as RD activity, automation, technology incentives and the rate of technological change. They can determine entry barriers, minimum efficient production level and influence outsourcing decisions. Furthermore, technological shifts can affect costs, quality, and lead to innovation. Technological advancement has brought about products into the market which was never dreamt of a few decades back. Increased budgets for RD have led to increased scope for innovations in the market. Another major issues faced by organizations today are Health and safety issues; there are several regulations in regards to health and safety which organizations needs to adhere to. These entire factors have substantial influence in the strategies and policies of organizations. Political environment Political environment would consist of the government of the economy, that is how and to the extent of government intervention exists in the economy. It includes factors such as tax policy, labour law, environmental law, trade restrictions, tariffs, and political stability. Bargaining power of special interest group: These are groups of people who have interest in the activities of the firm, such as consumer rights, womens rights, senior citizens rights, minority rights etc. Example of Nestle Nestles business policies in the less developed countries have been criticised widely throughout the world, especially in the United Kingdom and other countries in Europe, there is an ongoing boycott on Nestle Products. Though Nestle products are available in the market for sale, its sales volume and market share is well below expectations. Specifically its Baby products like Baby milk range, Baby food supplements and other products for babies are least demanded. The boycott of Nestle products has led to an increase in the market share of its competitors, namely Cow Gate, Socio-cultural environment Social-cultural factors include the cultural aspects, career attitudes and emphasis on safety etc. Changes in the social set up and culture have significant influence on the demand for products and services and how an organization operates. Cultural values Sub cultures Shifts in cultures Micro Environmental Analysis The micro environment consists of factors that are close to the organization and has a direct effect on its operations. Company itself: This would include the internal environment of the organization. (We will cover this part in the next topic) Supplier: The suppliers of the organization are the agencies and organization who supply resources for production purposes. The supply of raw materials, labour, electricity, equipment, fuel etc. would be done by these organizations. Developing a good supply environment is very important for an organization. Having the availability of resources as required keeps the production going. For this purpose, there have been significant efforts in the recent years to develop a sophisticated supply chain by organizations. The policies of organizations and their suppliers are getting integrated more and more. Organizations now, try to develop a backward integration with their suppliers. This ensures that the supply of materials and function of the organizations go smoothly. Marketing Intermediaries: They are the organizations that support the firm in selling, distributing and promoting the products and services to customers. Intermediaries help create place utility for the products. All the intermediaries associated with the firm would be collectively called channels of distribution. Channels of distribution can be of various levels and can include a number of intermediaries like distributors, agents, dealers, retailers. Designing and managing marketing channels is not an easy task, it requires a lot of effort from the organizations path. The organization has to know how to manage and keep all the intermediaries satisfied for the smooth functioning of the channels. Customers: Customers are the most integral aspect of the external environment. Most of the organizations activities and functions are directed towards satisfying the customers needs and requirements. There can be following type of consumers in the market: Consumer markets -would be individuals and households Industrial markets industries who purchase products for production purposes Resellers market organizations that buy goods and services in order to resell them at a certain profit Government and non-profit markets buy goods and services for producing public services International markets includes foreign buyers, producers, resellers etc. Competitors: Competitors are those organizations that produce similar products as yours and compete with you for the market share. The competitors have to be identified, monitored and competed with to maintain your market share. The competitors strategies and policies have significant impact on the organizations own strategies and policies, hence a close monitoring of the competitors policies and activities are eminent. Public: Would be a group of people who have an interest in the operations of the organization and also would have an impact on the organizations decisions and policies. Every organization has to face certain publics: Financial institutions Media Government Action groups General public Internal public (for reference only) Internal Environment Internal environmental scanning is the process of assessing the organizations strengths and weaknesses. It is through this process that organizations competencies and competitive advantages can be identified. Every organization will have some areas where it will be strong and other where it would be weak. It is the first step towards locating and developing its core competencies so as to survive in the business. The elements under internal environment are: Employees Management Company policies Organizational culture Organizational structure Company image Experience and expertise Operational efficiency Operational capacity Brand awareness Market share Financial capacity Patents and trade secrets Exclusive contracts (Source: http://www.netmba.com/strategy/swot/) Through internal scanning, organizations try to size up its competitive strengths. Strengths of the firm can be as follows: Patents Brands names Good reputation Cost advantages Access to resources Established distribution networks The Weaknesses of the firm can be as follows: Weak brand names Lower quality of product High cost structure An internal environmental scan involves looking at the present capabilities of the organization (infrastructure, hardware, personnel, abilities, structure, etc) and that information can be compared to what the organization will need in the future to achieve its strategic goals. Summary Font: Verdana | Size: 18 | Style: Bold) The market environment refers to the environment that the business operates in, which includes factors and forces that affect the firms policies and strategies. There are two levels of market environment Internal and external environment, the external environment can be further divided into Macro and Micro environment. The analysis of the environment in which business operates is referred to as a SWOT analysis. The SWOT analysis aids to find information helpful in matching the firms competencies to the competitive environments. Macro environmental analysis scans the macro factors that influence the organization. The macro environmental analysis is also termed as Pest analysis. The factors under macro environment are: Demographic environment Economic environment Natural environment Technological environment Culture political environment The micro environment consists of factors that are close to the organization and has a direct effect on its operations. The factors under micro environment are: Company itself Suppliers Marketing Intermediaries customers Competition Internal scanning is the process of assessing the organizations strengths and weaknesses. It is through this process that organizations competencies and competitive advantages can be identified. The elements under internal environment can be: Employees Management Company policies Organizational culture Organizational structure Company image Experience and expertise Operational efficiency Operational capacity Brand awareness Market share Financial capacity Patents and trade secrets Exclusive contracts

Friday, October 25, 2019

Use of Diction and Imagery in Richard Wright’s Black Boy Essay

Use of Diction and Imagery in Richard Wright’s Black Boy Black Boy, which was written by Richard Wright, is an autobiography of his upbringing and of all of the trouble he encountered while growing up. Black Boy is full of drama that will sometimes make the reader laugh and other times make the reader cry. Black Boy is most known for its appeals to emotions, which will keep the reader on the edge of his/her seat. In Black Boy Richard talks about his social acceptance and identity and how it affected him. In Black Boy, Richard’s diction showed his social acceptance and his imagery showed his identity. First, the diction that Richard Wright uses in this passage of him in the library shows his social acceptance. An example of this is when Mr. Faulk, the librarian, lets Richard borrow his library card to check out books from the library. Richard writes, a note saying, â€Å"Dear Madam; Will you please let this nigger boy have some books by H.L Mencken. † Richard uses, â€Å"nigger boy,† on the card so the other librarian would think that Mr. Faulk had written the note, not him. Richard having to write the word â€Å"nigger† on the library shows that if Richard would have written â€Å"black boy† instead, the librarian would have known he would have written the note. The fact that Richard has to lie and write a note to just be able to get the books from the library is an example of his social acceptance. Another example of diction showing Richard’s social acceptance is when Mr. Faulk gives Richard the library card and he tells Richard not to mention this to any other â€Å"white man.† By reading this statement by Mr. Faulk, it clearly shows how unaccepted blacks were and how afraid people were to be connected to them, even if it only involved giving the... ...mple of imagery is when Richard’s friends run up to him with his article in their hands and a baffled look on their faces. This shows that Richard is a very talented writer for his age and that Richard is a very ambitious person because his school never taught him to write the way he does. This also shows that Richard took it upon himself to become a talented author and wants to be a writer when he grows up. In conclusion, an author’s writing can tell a lot about himself. The writer will tell the reader something about themselves, either through diction, syntax or by other methods. In Black Boy, Richard writes in a way that allows the reader to learn information about his life. Learning about the author through his/her writing is the best way to learn about them because this way you get to learn what author thinks about the topics that he/she are talking about.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Nurse Practitioner Scope of Practice in the United States

Nurse Practitioners are registered nurses who are outstandingly recognized for providing primary care and treating acute and chronic illness and diseases. They acquired practiced skills and experience through advance education and medical training, and are authorized to serve as health and medical care resources and interdisciplinary consultants for diverse populations during health and illness. Nurse Practitioners may be generalists, like family nurse practitioners, or specialists whose areas of expertise include pediatrics, geriatrics, and psychiatry.Nurse Practitioners render a wide range of different types of preventive and clinical services as authorized by a state's Nurse Practice Act that vary from state-to-state in which some allow independent practice for nurse practitioners. In the United States, the state from which a nurse practitioner is practicing gives the nurse practitioner’s license being certified by the American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC). Since the profession is regulated by the state, the extended care-giving role played by Nurse Practitioners varies. Nurse practitioners in the community may be engaged in health maintenance organizations, home health care agencies, public health departments, school or college clinics, and physician’s offices, to mention a few.With increasing demand for primary care services to underserved groups and communities, nurse practitioners are successfully qualified for rendering such service, being fully equipped with appropriate knowledge and training. Standards for practice developed by the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners (1993) provide the specific activities that a nurse practitioner can perform and govern the services granted.In general, regardless of specialty, the scope of services practiced by nurse practitioners is divided into three categories. The first category covers the assessment of health status. This includes activities such as obtaining medical and health record of a n individual, performing nursing assessments, and conducting physical examination on patients. Nurse practitioners also perform preventive screening procedures based on the patient’s age and history. Such screening includes those for hearing, sight, and cancer. Identification of medical health risks and requirements is also under the scope of practice of this profession.The second category is the application of suitable diagnosis based on previous examinations and clinical findings. They execute and interpret diagnostic studies such as routine laboratory tests, EKGs and X-rays. Diagnosing, treating, evaluating, and managing minor and common and acute and stable illness and diseases such as injuries, diabetes, and high blood pressure are being employed by nurse practitioners. Also, with proper training or with supervision, they are also allowed to perform minor surgeries and procedures and may be First Assistants in the OR.Central to the care provided by nurse practitioners ar e the conditions of the patients and the further effect of illness on the lives of the patients and the patients’ relatives. Thus, supportive counseling and educating patients regarding their health behaviors stressing out health promotion and citing preventive measures on illness and diseases are also under the practice of nurse practitioners. Providing prenatal care, conducting well-child screenings and immunizations, prescribing rehabilitation treatments and medications, though limited in some states, are also being practiced. All of these fall under the third category and can be summarized as the management of the case.This further identifies the needs of individual, family or community the assessment and interpretation of data collected.   Evaluation and execution of plan of care are also being stressed in the practice of such profession. Nurse practitioners also establish collaborative working relationship with physicians to provide comprehensive care and refer patien ts to other health professionals as needed to meet the appropriate health and medical goals.Nurse practitioners with specialization may include other specific activities in their scope of practice in line with their acquired specialty to further serve the target population. For pedriatric nurse practitioner, for instance, one may include the analysis of factors that may affect the child’s growth and development. Studies relating to abnormal and normal development in relation to anatomical, physiological, motor, cognitive, and social behavior of the child may be included in his scope of practice. Women’s health care nurse practitioner may perform fertility counseling and infertility management and may also give prescription and management of birth control pills and diaphragms or provide family planning services.To further improve the scope of practice, there are nurse practitioners that take advance training for certain clinical procedures. These procedures which can be accomplished by nurse practitioners with effective training which depends on previous experience and practice limitations of individual state Nurse Practice Acts.The continuing progress to cope with changing health care needs of the society is the responsibility of the nurse practitioners. They unite the role of being a care resource person, counselor and educator, researcher and administrator especially in the field of primary health care. Members of such profession are liable for the expansion and improvement of the practice of such profession and this can be achieved through involvement and active participation in professional health care organizations and their activities as they ensure that the standards on the scope of practice for nurse practitioners are maintained.ReferencesKozier B., et al. (1998). Fundamentals of Nursing: Concepts, Process and Practice.Addison Wesley Longman, Inc.Nurse Practitioner Scope of Practice. (2007). American College of  Ã‚   Nurse Practitioners .   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Retrieved 02 December 2007 fromhttps://www.aanp.org/?pageid=3465Sherwood G. et al. (2007). Defining Nurse Practitioner Scope of Practice:

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Lumpkin Plumbing Essay

Lumpkin experienced a steady increase in sales since it began 1990 and has recently expanded inventories to accommodate a relatively larger sales increase. Richard Lumpkin borrowed $150,000 to expand the warehouse to hold more inventories and include a model to attract retail sales. The expansion will benefit the company as long as inventories are managed well and the increase in production does not harm profit margins. Lumpkin Plumbing projected figures for the balance sheet, income statement, and cash flows for 2000. Lumpkin anticipated growth for the 2000 year but underestimated the increase in total assets and liabilities by 47. 37%. Lumpkin also projected a 20% increase in sales and realized an actual increase of 63. 15%. Though the company underestimated the sales increase, it was able to manage costs and increase net income 63. 42%. If Lumpkin can maintain its’ profit margin and take advantage of increased demand then the expansion would be beneficial to the health of the company. Lumpkin is managing the expansion and should be able to make its loan repayments of $50,000 per year. Lumpkin also underestimated the growth of its inventories and accounts payable. Inventories at Lumpkin increased 89. 39% though the increase was projected at 10. 48%. Lumpkin had $628,800 in inventories at the end of 2000 which raises concern for the liquidity of the company. Accounts payable projections were also off, with a projected decrease of $2,000 and an actual increase of $216,400. The increase in accounts payable is partly due to the extension of A/P days from 10. 40 to 45. 10 from 1999 to 2000. The extreme A/P could be from inventory costs and also account for the large increase in inventory holdings. Lumpkin could be planning for an increase in sales growth and hold inventories to meet the demand. Even if the discrepancies between the projected and actual figures for the inventories and A/P are explained by increases in sales, these should have been accounted for in the projections and should not have been so dramatically different. Lumpkin Plumbing effectively used the loan to grow the company and is in fair financial health to repay the loans. Though the company has met the increased demand and managed operating costs, the difference in some projections raises reasons for concern. If Lumpkin is not able to forecast financial conditions accurately, the financial future of the company is uncertain, increasing its default risk. I recommend Lumpkin Plumbing be considered for future loans after financial statements are analyzed repayment of the current loan is complete.